Anonymous ID: f84fc2 Feb. 5, 2020, 6:13 p.m. No.8043612   🗄️.is 🔗kun


open source


Data Mining & Visualization Software for Multicolor Flow Cytometry


Multicolor flow cytometry experiments generate vast amounts of complex data and require sophisticated software for their evaluation. SPICE is a data mining software application that analyzes large FLOWJO data sets from polychromatic flow cytometry and organizes the normalized data graphically.


SPICE enables users to discover potential correlations in their experimental data within complex data sets. Many potential applications for SPICE exist: the software can be used to analyze any multivariate data set for which a series of nominal measurements and a single continuous measurement is available.


How is this software used in Science?


SPICE is developed for and currently used in the ImmunoTechnology lab of the NIAID Vaccine Research Center as well as by the scientific community throughout the world. It's been cited over 400 times. (see SPICE citations)


Division of Extramural Activities


ex•tra•mu•ral ĕk″strə-myoor′əl►



Occurring or situated outside of the walls or boundaries, as of a community.

Situated without or beyond the walls, as of a fortified city or a university; hence, outside of the fixed limits or boundaries of a place: as, extramural interment; an extramural lecturer.


Outside of the walls, as of a fortified or walled city.


Explain plainly, Matthew J. Fenton, Ph.D. - what it is you do outside the walls ?

Anonymous ID: f84fc2 Feb. 5, 2020, 6:36 p.m. No.8043950   🗄️.is 🔗kun



division tactic.


The idea of "Hitler" is known as the most evident existent evil known to man kind.

He is our "real world" tangible "Satan", so to speak. Not out of a story, but a Real Life being we've all been affected by for the last 70+ years.


Conspiracies have alluded to him burning pornomags and evil works, and that he was actually trying to save his people yadda yadda. (now, 70 some odd years later we're starting to hear a different tale… outside the walls of MSM )


"white supremacists" are said to idolize him, he's been stigmatized as this most unholy vile evil creature.


no one wants to see themselves in that mirror, and Hitler was AFAWK human - not an alien, or wizard, or baphomet or a unicorn, or a AI robot gone wild. he was us. we could've been him, under different circumstances? What a fear.


It wasn't just Hitler that got this reputation for pure evil. his SS/Gestapo, rumors of turning jews into lampshades, etc.


These were the people that ran the country. Massive betrayal of what humans can actually do to each other.


"guilt by association"


We don't stop the conversation when we talk about Thanos because we've got no real life experience to base that kind of trauma on.


Zombies: started out vile as fk, now they are your coroner on the CW

Vampires: ghastly creatures that now sparkle

Grimm "Fairy Tales" Vs Disney renditions.


When you can see both sides of the coin at the same time, things really do make so much more sense.

Anonymous ID: f84fc2 Feb. 5, 2020, 6:42 p.m. No.8044035   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4067


specifies it is indeed a zero and not a O


key feature of a programming font / monospace, is to keep every character as unique and easily identifiable as possible.


sauce: been obsessed with coding fonts for 20 years

Anonymous ID: f84fc2 Feb. 5, 2020, 6:46 p.m. No.8044072   🗄️.is 🔗kun


if you have a corroded battery, you can pour coca-cola on it and it will clean it up.


if you have a stained toilet, coca-cola will clean it out.


its about the only two uses i have found for coca-cola.


It does not make a good perfume (tried this as a kid..)

Anonymous ID: f84fc2 Feb. 5, 2020, 6:48 p.m. No.8044102   🗄️.is 🔗kun


not when you read between all the noisy bullshit and go back and check out what was actually in front of everyones faces but it wasn't a Pelosi or a Trump so they couldnt see it:


punctuation, grammar, symbols, periods, comma, syntax, coding, programming


All within the last 48 hours.

Anonymous ID: f84fc2 Feb. 5, 2020, 6:53 p.m. No.8044161   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"Cocaine mitch"



something like 96% of circulated Dollar bills have cocaine on them.

old coca-cola = cocaine


spice must flow



going plastic credit/debit/paypal etc reduced the handling of cocaine-laced bills.


That explains a whole lot…..