Because he was in on it before any of this staged drill/passed off as a real event and had information to further the scam. A scam that he would be the central figure of in the very near future. Get it?
Obviously the graphic is a joke. BUT…
Illegals would surely be easier to round up if they were walled in. Wouldn't you agree? HA.
You will never get a "chain of evidence" and "original source" for a mainstream media video. You have the right thinking. But such a system does not exist anymore in the age of fake news and hoax media. It is all supposed to be believed based on "seeing is believing".
Alex Jones is also a millionaire and has jewish sponsors, jewish lawyers and was married to a jew.
We learned he was controlled opposition ten years ago. That is why he goes on and on and on about Nazis…
Alex Jones in a nutshell…
"They lied to us about everything forever…EXCEPT ABOUT WWII AND HITLER WHEN THE DEMOCRATS (((FDR, EISENHOWER AND TRUMAN))) WERE PRESIDENT THEN THEY WERE TOTALLY TELLING THE TRUTH…OH AND BY THE WAY IT IS TOTALLY NOT THE JEWS…its a germany secret death cult that has infinity jews involved.
Sorry buddy. Hope you never sent that millionaire any of your money to lead you astray.
It is not about THE FED
Its about ending PREDATORY LENDING aka USURY. Its theft of labor.
Look at "Hitlers Economic Miracle" for answers and why (((they))) demonize him to this day and made up the phony holocaust hoax. Cheers!
I haven't watched this specific video.
I have seen the video where he is trying to get other students to talk about needing diversity…
But yes that is how these psyops work. They have "people run with" such things like HOGG BEING A GRADUATE OF A CALIFORNIA SCHOOL to make people that are exposing the hoax look foolish. They are doing that. Not real people. But of course real people that are too dumb run with it. After the people that are in on it push the false information. Which doesn't mean the drill was real. Its a magic trick. Psyops.
Yeah I know. Jews suck baby penises after they cut baby penises with a knife. I guess we should do that to be more like god's chosen people right?
Maybe we should just do it to ourselves and not just on babies? Let's wait for God to tell us what to do. Seems totally normal and definitely not satanic. It must be the Swiss that tell them to do this practice of baby penis cutting. Right?
Almost forgot. It must be Swiss NAZIS that are telling jews to do this. Right?
Okay. Truth be told. It is NOT ALL JEWS.
I found one good one.
My cousin Herschel is a fine mental health professional I can give him a really good deal…