What time is in Tel Aviv.?
Please, post your pathetic night shift memes pretending like you are something special so I can filter the fuck outta your pathetic asses..
Well, at least I produce four kids before that..
No, Finkels stuff cannot be debunked..
Thanks for the compliment, but this isn't an art contest, this is about repetition, like Q said, repeats are importantโฆ
Shut up Jared.
People who are afraid of the truth filter Finkel, and I'd be willing to bet less filter him than people would like to have others believe.
The five panel themes are much harder to pull off than you could imagineโฆ
Having said that, I have a few new ones in the oven..
You must be new
They're too busy posting nighshift memes.
IP's are being blocked, TOR is the only way to get around itโฆ
You know how many times I've had the server took too long message today..shit it was busy, with the aquittal and all.
Shit, that didn't happen during nighshift?