Anonymous ID: c33a12 Feb. 6, 2020, 6:04 a.m. No.8047840   🗄️.is 🔗kun

last night we got another visit from the ravishing famefag who said he might consider starting his pod cast stuff again.

So that's it.

here is a point: while I suspect that it was him, there is no way to prove it.


why doesn't the guy just cool out and stop acting all superior?

not sure but someone else commented 'oh, he does it because he's not free and eventually he will be.'

after that I think he was in the next bread too, but not with the namefag thing.

So he's not dead and gone, he's just doing other things.

and yes, I am sure that many of us wish that guys like him would be free of having to shill for small comp, or having to shill or deal with blackmail.

my problem is that when I care about someoen I usually keep doing it even when they pretend to be a hatefull jerk. Part of me says "I know this is his bit, he's doing an act."

So he's been training me to not be so emotional about it.

My emotions do get in my way.

the danger of following famefags: you come to care for them and then can't let them go.

in his case the assumption tht there is a person who is consistent from minute to minute is definitely flawed. The man usually bounces between personas even while he's doing his podcast.


So, if you are reading this , fame fag, do us a favor and stay anonymous here.

Anonymous ID: c33a12 Feb. 6, 2020, 6:12 a.m. No.8047880   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7913 >>8105


I think that it is correct that tarot was a way to encode mystical information and metaphysical concepts which censors would be unable to touch. Each card is a 'kind of meme'.

the trouble with tarot is how people use it to perpetrate hoaxs. Also, it's a catalist for what is already there, and you wont 'discover' anything real that isn't real.

however you can discover a lot of unreal. It's not just an aid in providing a metaphysical interpretation to 'issues' or 'problems' with people and families, it can also be used to write fictions.

If you use it to get a sense of things, and don't claim that the 'know' it to be an oracle, then it can be help ful as a way to get the mind thinking in along different pathways.


It's not the deck, or the knowldege othere in encoded, it's the intention of the users, the thrower and the one who is getting the reading.


I Ching has a similar use as an 'oracle', however again, the idea of being able to 'know the future' needs to be debunked when using them.

I Ching is very good to say 'here is where we are, here is what the conditions seem to be, here is where that leads us.

the way to use the I Ching would therfore to be go to the situation that you think it is, and read through all the possible explanations, or possible changes, and outcomes.

For example, under Obama things were in 'Standstill' so one could read that and then see what it can change into.


Any way, yes, Tarot is packed through with information in a graphical form that censors would have deleted in a written form.

Anonymous ID: c33a12 Feb. 6, 2020, 6:29 a.m. No.8047976   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8061


sauce on what 'i think'?

you got it there.

Anon, pickup a Wilhelm I Ching and study it.

As far as Tarot, I can't recommend a book that isn't very deep and almost unsauced itself, it was originally written in French. It's called 'Meditations on the Tarot'.


Mystic truths are the kind that a person can know for themself but there is often no 'palitible sauce' that other can yum-up and then 'learn' what the mystic knows, who will when modest and sane, only speak in a veiled and indirect way about what he can't prove to you.

that's why some spiritualist go through a 'I am a great big jerk' phase. Witness someone famous here who often posts: he's got a lot of insight but lacks the humility when he's high or drunk (you all know who I"m talking about).


so 'sauce' for these things is not really available.

the people who 'know' but can't 'say' are many!


And those who are on that path don't push the vain ones into the ditch when they act like a cock-of-the-walk jerkface and try to dominate the chat or discourse.

they are like young men who have not learned patience. We must let them grow, but we need not put up with them or their edicts because they have gotten far enough yet to really see how vast it all really is, and why you can't 'go it alone' forever.

we relie on each other.

even the one who 'knows nothing' is important. That is why many inteligent people reject Gonsticism which says that you 'learn' how to be saved. That would mean we'd leave behind those to young to have gotten to a proper point of knowledge.


anyway, ya, sauce in mystic conjecture is often made within your own mind. Do some thought experiments on your own. Meditate on your own.

love the stupid young idiot 'The Fool' types, and keep them from really falling into the Abyss.

Anonymous ID: c33a12 Feb. 6, 2020, 6:39 a.m. No.8048056   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8082

at the very end of the speach:

wow POTUS in a very introspective moment asking for forgiveness for not being able to feel the Love for those who talk ill about him, and plot against them. I got this quote but It needs to be verified, and what came directly before it also added. That was an important moment for Donald! He confessed to us and wants to be forgiven for reacting emotionally at times in a way that doesn't seem loving!

"When they impeach you for nothing it's not easy to love them, but I do my best. It's not easy" Donald Trump Feb 6, 2020 at 9:35 (or so) AM Washington Prayer breakfast at the conclusion of his speech.


and important quote that we should remember!