Anonymous ID: 2b634c Feb. 6, 2020, 7:47 a.m. No.8048496   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Full Movie: Dreamchild (Dennis Potter-Gavin Millar 1985)


Watched the whole movie. Here is my take.


At 10 years of age, Alice went thru an experience that included some very strange characters. Mad Hatter, March Hare, and Dormouse. These creepy looking characters were made by Jim Henson and were remiscint of something that might be seen on a bad acid trip or something of that nature. For years Alice tried to push away those memories.


When she was 80 years old, she took a trip to America, along with her assistant Lucy. It was after being barraged by the vulturous press, that the memories began to come back. It was also at this time that she was informed that despite her desire to do so, she could cash in and make lots of money if she sold out and told her story.


The hidden secret is what happened to her and her friends when they were children. It is very obvious that Reverend Charles L. Dodgson/Lewis Carroll had done some unspeakable things that the young girls describe only "as he loved them". Though Alice was naive to these things, her mother seemed to understand what had happened. These memories are the ones that began to come back to Alice when she was older.


It is certainly evident that this movie deals with pedophilia, mind control, repressed memories and selling out for money.


At the end she spoke to an audience and gave thanks to Reverend Charles L. Dodgson/Lewis Carroll for the love he brought to her life when she was a child. Her announcement was met with cheers and applause. The final scene is her in wonderland with Dodgson and a couple of the characters.


Here is the IMDB for the movie:


From IMBD:

Exploring the somewhat darker and more mysterious side of Lewis Carroll's classic book, the movie follows Alice Liddell Hargreaves (Coral Browne) (the book's inspiration) as an old woman who is haunted by the characters, by whom she was once so amused. As she thinks back on it, she starts to see her relationship with Reverend Charles L. Dodgson/Lewis Carroll (Sir Ian Holm) in a new way, and realizes the vast change between the young Alice and the old. —Max Vaughn


In 1932, Alice Liddell Hargreaves (Coral Browne), age eighty, travels to New York City to attend a celebration of Reverend Charles L. Dodgson's/Lewis Carroll's (Sir Ian Holm's) centenary. Confused by American culture and unable to understand the huge popularity of the Alice books, Mrs. Hargreaves begins to remember details of the childhood events that led to the writing of the stories. Was shy Carroll actually in love with her? —Molly Malloy