@bronzeagemantis is writing policy for the WH now?
>but she chose the wicked path
I know many like her, they are convinced they are on the righteous path and everyone else is on the wicked path. Their logic is not a weak as you might expect, they are just out of touch with physical reality. Truth is, many on the right have the same problem.
And yet right and good are now being conflated in the minds of the general population, if you say good is winning.
But they are, and will be as long as bread and circuses keep them happy.
How many on this board can define Good or Evil?
There are bible fags who think one thing, religion fags who think another, atheist who have their own idea, nationalist who are sure they know what it is… on and on it goes.
Good and Evil is in the heart of every man, the divide is no different than any other dividing principle, it just speaks to those with a religious bent most clearly.
And Moses said to his servant: “I will not cease from my wanderingsuntil I have reached the place where the two seas meet, even though I journeyfor eighty years.”But when they had reached the place where the two seas meet, they forgottheir fish, and it took its way through a stream to the sea.And when they had journeyed past this place, Moses said to his servant:“Bring us our breakfast, for we are weary from this journey.”But the other replied: “See what has befallen me! When we were restingthere by the rock, I forgot the fish. Only Satan can have put it out of mymind, and in wondrous fashion it took its way to the sea.”Then Moses said: “That is the place we seek.” And they went back the waythey had come. And they found one of Our servants, whom We had endowedwith Our grace and Our wisdom. Moses said to him: “Shall I follow you, thatyou may teach me for my guidance some of the wisdom you have learnt?”But he answered: “You will not bear with me, for how should you bearpatiently with things you cannot comprehend?”Moses said: “If Allah wills, you shall find me patient; I shall not inanything disobey you.”He said: “If you are bent on following me, you must ask no question aboutanything till I myself speak to you concerning it.”The two set forth, but as soon as they embarked, Moses’ companion bored
a hole in the bottom of the ship.“A strange thing you have done!” exclaimed Moses. “Is it to drown herpassengers that you have bored a hole in her?”“Did I not tell you,” he replied, “that you would not bear with me?”“Pardon my forgetfulness,” said Moses. “Do not be angry with me on thisaccount.”They journeyed on until they fell in with a certain youth. Moses’companion slew him, and Moses said: “You have killed an innocent man whohas done no harm. Surely you have committed a wicked crime.”“Did I not tell you,” he replied, “that you would not bear with me?”Moses said: “If ever I question you again, abandon me; for then I shoulddeserve it.”They travelled on until they came to a certain city. They asked the peoplefor some food, but the people declined to receive them as their guests. Therethey found a wall on the point of falling down. The other raised it up, andMoses said: “Had you wished, you could have demanded payment for yourlabours.”“Now the time has arrived when we must part,” said the other. “But first Iwill explain to you those acts of mine which you could not bear with inpatience.“Know that the ship belonged to some poor fishermen. I damaged itbecause in their rear was a king who was taking every ship by force.“As for the youth, his parents both are true believers, and we feared lest heshould plague them with his wickedness and unbelief. It was our wish thattheir Lord should grant them another in his place, a son more righteous andmore filial.“As for the wall, it belonged to two orphan boys in the city whose fatherwas an honest man. Beneath it their treasure is buried. Your Lord decreed inHis mercy that they should dig out their treasure when they grew tomanhood. What I did was not done by caprice. That is the meaning of thethings you could not bear with in patience."
There is a parable in there for both of you, regardless of the source.