Anonymous ID: 263328 Feb. 6, 2020, 9:31 a.m. No.8049584   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Well…I'm not "fart-dust" old! kek


I just "woke up" at a very early age. Like so many of us here - even as a child - I always knew there was something wrong with the World, and I didn't stop searching for the answers until I found them.


I hope everyone who bothered to read my comments sees "The Full Circle" that I was talking about. (((They))) manipulate Society by the Hegelian Dialectic and Ordo Ab Chao. Most people already know that. But apply it to the Johnson Act, which POTUS Trump basically neutered:


The Johnson Act prevented pastors, clergy, etc., from speaking about public/political events. Most 501(c)3 churches acquiesced in fear of retribution from the I.R.S. This stopped Truth from being spoken in the churches, as no church can be effective when told what they can say, and what they cannot say about local, national, and world events.


This caused most of those who were "awake", to "Come out of her my people". Mainstream Churchianity became just another Babylonian outlet. And within the span of just two decades of the JFK assassination, home churches began springing up. By the mid-nineties, these home churches were targeted by the Clinton Administration.