Anonymous ID: 7cfcfe Feb. 6, 2020, 9:03 a.m. No.8049170   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9197 >>9350 >>9361 >>9382 >>9433 >>9436 >>9487








>Thanks anon


You bet. I know about the Clinton Admin. screwing with home churches because many of us were around and already "red-pilled" and had to navigate through those days. We didn't call it "red-pilled" back then. We called it being "awake". But of course, the minute that The Matrix came out, we called it being red-pilled.


Yeah. Being red-pilled is not something created by any of the chans, despite people thinking otherwise. But to get back on topic, we had to meet in our houses. Back when everything that is discussed on boards such as 8kun, were the same subjects we were talking about back then. The fact is that those were some dark days to have been "awake". Imagine being awake with us back then, as we well aware of The Cabal, there was no hope in sight, (But knowing that in the end God Wins). We were AWAKE and watched (((Them))) attack Ruby Ridge and WACO. That is what started the uprising of State Militias, a perceived threat to (((Them))).


We then watched (((Them))) False Flag the Murrah Federal Building. Killing the children in the daycare, and destroying all of the records to both Ruby Ridge and WACO, which were conveniently being archived there in Oklahoma City. We knew back then that killing those innocent kids was part of (((Their))) blood-letting and sacrificial offerings.


We then watched (((Them))) pin the OKC Bombing (through Guilt by Association), on both "militias" and people like those us who were meeting in "home churches". Because meeting with 8 to 10 people in your home to talk about the Bible and World Events was considered "suspicious".


The only reason we were meeting in home churches in the first place, is because there was NO TRUTH being spoken in the CHURCHES because they had been SILENCED by the Johnson Act. You see how this comes "full circle"?


It has been a long road for many of us, who lived with a very dire outlook of the Future during those years. The Cabal, (who we used to call a combination of "The Shadow Government" and "The Illuminati), it seemed, was going to throw America into destruction, and we knew back then that (((Their))) Plan included HILLARY as the Closer. We knew this while Slick Willy was in office.


So many people think this is all something "new". It is not. We knew about the trafficking, the pedos, the Satanic Abuse, cannibalization, and every single other subject that has been discussed on these boards since October 28, 2017.


There is no new thing under the Sun.


So….Thank God for Q, Q+, and all who serve The Plan to Restore America for the next Generation.