I figured it out.
"Drain the Swamp" has real meaning.
What is that meaning?
Drain the influence of the PRINCES OF ORANGE over the US.
The Treaty of Utrecht.
New Amsterdam.
Follow the Y Family through america!
Up the Hudson to Albany. "Fort Nassau" and "Fort Orange."
Down the Mohawk river to Syracuse. "Syracuse Orangemen"
Through the wilderness, and eventually the Erie canal to Rochester.
Enter Vanderbilt.
Consolidation of the New York Central Railroad and constant push west. (Check NYCRR map)
Harris & Harris law firm in Rochester was the law firm for the NYCRR, Harris the younger left the firm to work as the in house Corn Vanderbilt lawyer.
What major industry came out of Rochester? Imaging, photography, film.
What major industry did that facilitate? Hollywood, movies, photography.
Why would that be important?
Think record of blackmail, think stability of their hierarchy. Think propaganda. Think control over the minds of the people.
Does Vanderbilt have involvement in LA/Hollywood?
California gold rush,
Vanderbilt steamships to Nic/Panama, from Nic/Panama to LA.
Vanderbilt media in LA? Illustrated Daily News
Who bought it?
Who's descendant is Rachel Chandler the Child handler connected to Epstein.
What about moving further west from Buffalo/Rochester area?
Cleveland was the next major city. Founded on the back of Rockefeller's Standard Oil and the PA Oil Boom. (Coincidence Cleveland Browns colors are Orange?, what about Detroit Tigers colors? )
Who started the PA Oil Boom?
Seneca Oil Company, a sub of Pennsylvania Rock Oil Company.
Seneca was founded by Edwin Drake, a conductor on the New York New Haven Railroad…owned by Cornelius Vanderbilt.
Pennsylvania Rock Oil Company bankrolled Drake through a cabal of New Haven CT based bankers.
Asahel Pierpont
James Townsend
William A Ives
Edwin Bowditch
Henry Pierpont
J. F. Marshall
Who is a descendant of the Pierponts? John Pierpont Morgan.
Want to bet Asahel Pierpont has signifigant connections back to Europe?
These companies sought to exploit the already known reserves of oil in the Seneca Nation of indians land in western NY and PA.
The first encounter with the Seneca "Oil Springs" was by French jesuits.
So what happened to the Dutch in the Treaty of Utrecht?
"devous, chez vous, sans vous."
French, Spanish, English, and other states negotiated to end the War of the Spanish Succession.
The main issue at hand was the death of the Spanish king Charles II, who had no children.
His closest heir were of Austrian Habsburg, and French Bourbon families.
Either house controlling the Spanish empire would unbalance Europe.
War followed, resulting in the Utrecht treaty, a city in the Netherlands. The Spanish Bourbons renounced their claim over the French throne.
Most notable, what family hails from the Bilt suburb of Utrecht? At the time of the treaty living in New York, former residence of New Amsterdam?
Van der Bilt.
There's too many coincidences anons. What does this have to do with "draining the swamp?"
Where in the world is the most notorious swamp?
The Netherlands.
"Orange man bad?"
Most certainly. Not referring to Trump.
Princes of Orange.