Yucca Mountain Nevada, a short distance north of Las Vegas, is a GREAT place to haul nuclear waste. That's because Nevada is located centrally between…
Thorium Deposits
…found in southern California south of Nevada, and in neighboring states, Arizona, Utah and the large black sand Placer deposit in Idaho. Thorium MSRs (Molten Salt Reactors) are safe (cannot meltdown) and they consume/clean radioactive waste to generate energy. Which Las Vegas can make good use of.
So haul all that waste to Yucca Mountain, and blend it with Thorium fuel to generate electricity and clean up the environment at the same time. Send grade schoolers on field trips to picnic on the old nuclear waste site and to tour the reactors and learn how they function. By the time all the existing waste is consumed, the 6th graders and up could probably build their own nuclear reactor as a learning project. Just leave it at the site. If you want to take power home, get a safer household LENR system.
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