>>8053658 lb
I prefer PROgress!
We will all get on “the same page” soon enough. Don’t get discouraged. Don’t let a little dirt get you mad.
I know sometimes we need a “how” method, so I will share the one I use: I just listen to my body and when I “feel” that anger coming around, I stop immediately and analyze if it’s useful or not. Its a technique called “cognitive behavioral training” and it’s very useful in dealing with emotions that can overrun you- fear, anger, misplaced guilt. (Sometimes u maybe a shit head and deserve to feel guilty… guilt teaching tool for “not doing that again”-strengthens empathy “muscle”)
CBT is used for treating PTSD- it’s medicine-free, you’re just learning how to be the director of your own mind and thoughts.
You likely won’t see immediate results but after spending a year of practicing, i haven’t had one singular explosion, no outlasting and no arguing with the spouse. It’s changed so much about how I feel about waking up, getting through a day, able to forward think in positive manner instead of constantly awaiting “the boogey man” or getting pissed off because someone else had a shit day and can’t control their emotions.
We have the power to intervene in the “cause and effect” chain reaction unchecked emotions can cause. We just have to be mentally strong enough to not “knee-jerk” react.
Hope that helps some anons! I look forward to the moment we are all free from our mental prisons!