Anonymous ID: 5639b4 Feb. 6, 2020, 5:42 p.m. No.8054913   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4929

Kushner says Abbas responsible for spike in violence since release of peace plan


After briefing UN Security Council members on proposal, Trump’s son-in-law says Palestinian leadership has long history of ‘inciting intifadas when they don’t get their way’


NEW YORK — US President Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner, the architect of the US peace plan for the Middle East, on Thursday blamed Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas for a recent spike in violence in Israel and the West Bank.


“He does have a responsibility for it,” Kushner told reporters after briefing UN Security Council members on the plan that has been rejected by the Palestinians.


“He calls for days of rage in response and he said that even before he saw the plan,” Kushner added.


Three Palestinian attacks on Israeli soldiers and police officers took place within 12 hours on Thursday, leaving 14 service members wounded.


Two members of the Palestinian security services were also killed, at least one who was apparently mistaken for a terrorist by an Israeli sniper, as violence soared amid Palestinian anger at the US administration’s peace plan announced last week.

Anonymous ID: 5639b4 Feb. 6, 2020, 5:43 p.m. No.8054929   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Kushner: Abbas, Olmert jealous they couldn't bring about peace themselves


Jared Kushner spoke out against Ehud Olmert and Mahmoud Abbas on Thursday, saying that they are jealous of the peace plan for having the potential to accomplish what they could not.

Anonymous ID: 5639b4 Feb. 6, 2020, 5:52 p.m. No.8055021   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5107 >>5222 >>5278

Sleazy Andrew Weissmann Admits Mueller Team Tried to Ensnare Trump in Perjury Trap – To Remove Him From Office


Mueller’s “pit bull” Andrew Weissmann admitted the special counsel’s team “tried to get rid of” President Trump by laying a perjury trap.


Of course President Trump didn’t fall for it.


President Trump only submitted written answers to Mueller’s team and refused to sit down for an interview with the special counsel’s prosecutors.


Many believe devil Weissmann was in charge of the entire special counsel operation and Robert Mueller was just the figurehead.


Weissmann’s comments during a Thursday appearance on MSNBC were in response to President Trump’s scorched earth rebuke of the ‘scum’ at the top of the FBI earlier this morning.


Trump blasted “dirty cops” James Comey and “scum” Peter Strzok on Thursday before calling out Mueller’s corruption in his victory speech after the senate voted to acquit him on both articles of impeachment.


“[Trump] never submitted to an interview, he never testified under oath — it’s true the same happened in the Mueller case,” Weissmann said.


“Why do you think that is?” Nicolle Wallace asked.


“There’s a classic reason. There is legal jeopardy that attaches if you sit for an interview or if you say something under oath to federal prosecutors, to the House, to the Senate — so if you notice, the President is happy to talk today…but when it came time for him to put up or shut up…and give an interview under oath, he’s completely silent,” Weissmann added.


Weissmann forgot to add that only Trump supporters are prosecuted for making false statements to the feds.


Mueller, Clapper, Brennan and Comey have all perjured themselves yet they have never been held accountable for their crimes.

Anonymous ID: 5639b4 Feb. 6, 2020, 5:54 p.m. No.8055034   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5056 >>5222 >>5278

FBI, DOJ Say China Is America's Greatest Threat


FBI Director Christopher Wray on Thursday said that Chinese technology theft is rampant, and that "no country poses a greater threat than Communist China" right now, according to Reuters.


"As I stand here talking with you today, the FBI has about 1,000 investigations involving China’s attempted theft of U.S.-based technology in all 56 of our field offices and spanning just about every industry sector," Wray told conference attendees at Washington's Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS).

Anonymous ID: 5639b4 Feb. 6, 2020, 5:55 p.m. No.8055055   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5222 >>5278

Rep. Mike Johnson: Pelosi Committed FELONY When She Ripped Up the Official Copy of President’s SOTU Address


Rep. Mike Johnson (R-LA) joined Tucker Carlson on Thursday night following Nancy Pelosi’s shameful display on Tuesday night where she ripped up the President’s copies of his State of the Union Address.


Rep. Mike Johnson says Pelosi committed a felony be shredding the President’s SOTU documents.


Rep. Mike Johnson: It was totally unprecedented. It was shameless and it was also unlawful, Tucker. A lot of people have been talking about this the last 48 hours and I did a little legal memo to point out to my colleagues that she actually committed a felony when she tore that paper up. It wasn’t just ANY copy of the State of the Union Address it was THE copy, the original. And we have over two centuries of custom and tradition. And, of course, the Constitution calls for the State of the Union Address. When the president delivers the copies to those top legal officers, those two top legislative officers in that co-equal branch of government, those are the official documents of the House. If you tear those up you violate a specific statute in the criminal code.


Mike Johnson post this video from earlier today at President Trump’s acquittal ceremony.

Anonymous ID: 5639b4 Feb. 6, 2020, 5:56 p.m. No.8055064   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5222 >>5278

Envoy to NATO Says US Prepares for Talks With Russia About Next Level of Arms Control Accords


The Trump administration is preparing to begin talks with Russia about the next level of arms control agreements, United States Ambassador to NATO Kay Bailey Hutchison said during an event at the Heritage Foundation.


"I know that our administration is preparing to begin talks with Russia and make an effort to bring China in for the next level of arms control agreements", Hutchison said on Thursday in response to a question about what would the implications to NATO be if the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (New START) is not extended.


Hutchison highlighted that China is becoming a concern because of global presence through its Belt and Road Initiative in addition to its nuclear weapons capabilities.


On Wednesday, US National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien said the United States and Russia will launch talks on nuclear arms control issues in the near future.


The New START is the last remaining arms control treaty in force between Russia and the United States and is set to expire in February 2021.


The Trump administration has said it has a sufficient amount of time to determine whether it will extend the treaty or let it expire next February. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has reiterated that Russia wants to extend the New START as soon as possible, but without preconditions.