Anonymous ID: e09676 Feb. 6, 2020, 6:59 p.m. No.8055695   🗄️.is 🔗kun

"Halfchan overloads Iowa Dem HQ phones"

DDoS? 4chan? no way, dude -

could be. i notice there is no free Lyft yet…


but wtaf? isn't this upside down and / or backwards?

this seems easily preventable if the call originates from central. text 'em when you are done with the coin flips, and they connect via whatever method, download and confirm, voila.


you have to build in methods to cheat with something as simple as counting and addition to 6 places.

Anonymous ID: e09676 Feb. 6, 2020, 7:09 p.m. No.8055810   🗄️.is 🔗kun


there used to be a lurk for 2 years rule. that has been reduced by a couple of orders of magnitude.


at one point or another, we have all argued with a bot or two. the picture below may have broken e-bot one night, and it went on a faux(?) Britney pr0n spamfest that lasted for a coupla bredz. at one point, it was funnier than shit at times, but peaked long ago.


i still kek when i remember anon's post "I think I just broke e-bot!" and a link to the pic.


as far as figuring things out, the search feature at the top can help a lot. and recognizing shill techniques (think world time zones), tag teams and divisionfagging. memespam. manifesto shit. anons tear up manifestos here too.

welcome, the respect you show will serve you well.