1st Session
H. R. 5383
December 10, 2019
Mr. García of Illinois (for himself, Ms. Jayapal, Ms. Bass, Ms. Pressley, Mr. Grijalva, Ms. Velázquez, Ms. Haaland, Ms. Tlaib, Ms. Escobar, Ms. Omar, Ms. Garcia of Texas, Mr. Espaillat, Ms. Ocasio-Cortez, Ms. Judy Chu of California, Mr. Danny K. Davis of Illinois, Ms. Lee of California, Mr. Rush, Mr. Blumenauer, Mr. Takano, Ms. Barragán, Mr. McGovern, Ms. Meng, Mrs. Napolitano, Ms. Schakowsky, Ms. Wilson of Florida, Mr. Serrano, Ms. Clarke of New York, Ms. Norton, Mrs. Watson Coleman, Mr. Vargas, Mr. Cárdenas, Mr. Brown of Maryland, Mr. Johnson of Georgia, Mr. Correa, and Mr. Meeks) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary
Short title
This Act may be cited as the "New Way Forward Act".
I. End Mandatory Detention and Require Probable Cause for Arrest
Phase-out of private for-profit detention facilities and use of jails
Procedures for detaining aliens
II. Statute of Limitations
Time for commencing removal proceedings
III. Limit Criminal-System-to-Removal Pipeline
Criminal offenses and immigration laws
IV. Restore Judicial Discretion and End Removal Without Due Process
Immigration procedural changes
V. Prohibition against Performance of Immigration Officer Functions by State and Local Officers and Employees
Local enforcement
National Crime Information Center
VI. Decriminalize Migration
601. Repealing migration criminal laws
VII. Right To Come Home
Reconsidering and reopening immigration cases