Anonymous ID: 0cd88c Feb. 6, 2020, 10:16 p.m. No.8058407   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9062



In Drop #3837

Q uses a row of 18 periods

It is a little hard to see

Because 8 kun changes them to 6 triple-period characters

Hopefully the code markup will make it clear below

Where I propose an 18 letter word for that space.




Anonymous ID: 0cd88c Feb. 6, 2020, 10:40 p.m. No.8058566   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8667 >>8688 >>8855



You have to look what happened in the 1970's


1975 August: Helsinki Accords

1976 Poland price hikes lead to workers' strikes and formation of KOR (Workers' Defense Committee)

1977 Charter 77 formed in Czechoslovakia under Vaclav Havel's leadership

1979 USSR invaded Afghanistan


Afghanistan is a neighbor to Iran

In the same year as the Soviet invasion, Iran erupted in Revolution and the Ayatollah's appeared to take charge.


But in the KGB, the writing was clearly on the wall. The Soviet Union was cracking, and part of the NWO plan was to have both the USSR and USA break up into rump states easier to control. So, the KGB moved abroad. Some of that was into Iran, and some into the USA and Canada.


Putin was only able to get to the position he did in Russia, because the important people in the KGB were all gone, and The Powers That Be were not all that concerned about keeping the USSR together. Putin was raised as a Christian by his mother, in secret. He is definitely not a Communist. And he is not corrupt either as American diplomats realized when he was the second hand man for St Petersburg's Mayor.


Part of the Clowns In America Psyop, is to use Alinsky's playbook, and to personalize their opponents. So if Russia is an enemy of the Clowns they pick one person and treat him as the overlord and dictator of Russia. In reality Putin skates a very thin line between powerful oligarchs, powerful NWO Globalists, and Russia's own Military Industrial Complex.


Putin's trick is that he is an Autist, with a phenomenal memory for facts and figures, and the ability to out-think his opponents. But he doesn't press his advantage to destroy them. He only destroys an opponent who makes the mistake of doing Damage to Russia itself. Khodorkovsky would not pay taxes. Corrupt politicians who steal get taken down. In every such event, the benefits of the action go to the Russian state, and his opponents get a piece of that benefit. So they like to keep him in place.

Think of a Judo fighter. The enemy grabs him. He does not resist. The enemy pulls fim forward, so he steps forward. The enemy tries to trip him, so he falls, twisting and pulling the enemy off balance, and reaching up his feet as a pivot to flip the enemy over his body and behind him. This is how Putin operates.

Anonymous ID: 0cd88c Feb. 6, 2020, 11:15 p.m. No.8058772   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8817 >>8849



Maybe English is not your native language.


The Anon that you are shouting at made it clear that he only archived Q's media files, not the ones posted by Anons.


For the full archive of everything you need to use Germanarchiveanon's archive which is at the top of every bread.


So stop complaining and learn how to read and research.

Anonymous ID: 0cd88c Feb. 6, 2020, 11:36 p.m. No.8058870   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9088

Remember sergey Brin?

It was his great aunt Rachil from Russia who was studying microbiology in Germany during WWI who was captured by US forces. She was then sent to an internment camp in the USA for a time. Unclear if she ever met Aleister Crowley but her stay does overlap his visit to the USA. Then she converts to Communism IN THE USA!!!! and goes to CHICAGO to study microbiology at the U of Chicago. And finally returns to the Soviet Union.

This is an odd biography.

And as an aside, there are some who claimed that Crown Prince Rudolf Habsburg came to the USA after the Mayerling incident where he became Carl Heinrich Hoffman, a bacteriologist, professor of osteopathic medicine in Des Moines IA, and partner in a Pathology lab in Kirksville MO. His partner was the founder of osteopathy.

Is this interest in microbes a coincidence?