Anonymous ID: a0dbf7 Feb. 6, 2020, 11:09 p.m. No.8058736   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Spooky Storm


Big storm swept through eastern portion of USA 2-6-20. Since we frequently go to the Smokies we keep their weather handy. We noted swelled/raging river in Gat mid afternoon. We heard the storm was coming our way, as they often do. Later that evening to our north and west we heard power was out. Within the hour storm was on us, well before midnight.


To me the storm did not seem too bad, just a good blow and minutes of heavy rain, followed by an hour or more of typical gentle rain, nothing uncommon for us. The wind had picked up locally in the AM sow we were well warned of coming change. We lost power very early into the storm. With power off blindly searching for my torch (led), I got to thinking that power down was a bit odd. The on and offs seemed more at the speed of human hand, slow, compared to the normal rapid flicker. Power was off more than an hour or two. I think 12:16, maybe into 17 power came on briefly, maybe 17 seconds worth, before it went off again for another hour. Yes, at 1:17, I honestly confirm, power came back on. As I finagled this and that I counted a choppy 15 before it went off again. 3 Minutes later, yes it was then 1:20, firm, power came back on and still holds.


We love to vacation in the Smokies, by camper, is the closest you'll get to my location.