Anonymous ID: a28ece Feb. 6, 2020, 10:28 p.m. No.8058489   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8620 >>8739

3rd repost - VERY simple QUESTION

REPLY with a LINK that has archives of FULL Anon media posts

Otherwise … prepare to get a new ASSHOLE!


Are there any bread archives at all?


If so, why are they not listed in every bread?


And why are non-functional sites being listed in every bread as bread archives?


The core of qresearch is the work of Anons. Q is here to spark and guide Anons.


A vast proportion of Anon work is in visual form.


Anons post pictures and videos that they find.


Anons post memes that they create.


Anons post caps of textual material to preserve it.


Anons create graphics to convey all sorts of information.


Anons who pay attention know much of the most interesting stuff never hits the notables (and so doesn't get harvested by anyone harvesting notables).


This isn't simply the fault of shills and traitors… complex stuff takes time to digest.


There are basically four sources listed at the top of every bread for archives.


The 8kun archive link is OBVIOUSLY non-functional and doesn't even purport to cover 2020. works fine, so long as you don't need an archive. The media links link to, so if 8kun has not preserved the image, which is the norm, then the supposed archive is worthless.


The MasterArchivist links do not even appear to link to bread archives, but rather to archives of Q's posts as they appeared "in bread". Why are these being presented as bread archives?


The Germanarchiveanon site at lets you download zips that seem to contain multiple breads, including media files. However, the media files ALL seem to be simply the mini-images that show when the basic page loads. Video files seem to be missing entirely, and image files are missing in their original size, so most are unreadable.


The search function at seems to work on text pretty well, so it conveys the image that all breads are being preserved. I use it often, but when I go to try to find an image I often fall short and just move on to something else. But perhaps this is an "emperor has no clothes" situation and the breads are NOT being archived, and no one is willing to speak up for fear of seeming foolish.


tl;dr: The "bread archive" links posted in every bread are CRAP. Who is to blame? What to do?


ADDED: Why not test the mega site? Download ANY zip, pick a random bread and look in the files directory? Is the largest file routinely main.js, a TEXT file? (Sort by size…) Is the largest image usually 30-40Kb when 8kun allows 16Mb? Why?


If the "archivist" made an "honest error" why didn't the bakers catch it?


Those you are taught to trust the most….


MOAR— I have sympathy for new bakers. We each have our role. I fail. You fail. LEARN. WIN.


Copy! Paste! Or prepare for new asshole!

Freedom of choice!

Anonymous ID: a28ece Feb. 6, 2020, 11:01 p.m. No.8058697   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8711 >>8850


NOT a difficult puzzle, right?


FAKE archivists/bakers CONSPIRE to HIDE your work….


they can POST the link where it is archived?

NOT difficult, right?

Why don't they post the link?

Anonymous ID: a28ece Feb. 6, 2020, 11:10 p.m. No.8058737   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8772 >>8811


WHAT is the actual LINK to a working archive?

VERY simple question?

WHAT archive link gives Anons access to actual Anon media files?

It doesn't matter how hard you work if you CONSISTENTLY FAIL. LEARN. WIN.

What is the link?

Anonymous ID: a28ece Feb. 6, 2020, 11:25 p.m. No.8058817   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8826



OBVIOUSLY, if you speak Engrish, you can grasp that I am insinuating that DeutscheAnon is a shill.

OBVIOUSLY, anons can ascertain that, if they LOOK at the actual files contained in the ZIP's.

WHY is a javascript file… a TEXT file… the LARGEST file in file folder?

Download ANY sample ZIP from Deutsche Boy and test it!


Why doesn't Deutsche Shill respond?

CLEARLY Adolf's son suggests he archives all Anon posts? Or can Anons read and think?

Anonymous ID: a28ece Feb. 6, 2020, 11:38 p.m. No.8058876   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8915


Well, I've looked in "archives" over and over, and finally thought… maybe it's not me.

Why are Anon files REPEATEDLY missing?

An OP that will save the world and yet…. archives ALWAYS fucked….

Anonymous ID: a28ece Feb. 6, 2020, 11:54 p.m. No.8058944   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Maybe 10 Anons/bread might post a 10Mb file.

Roughly. At most…. actually less…

So…. 100 Mb/bread or maybe 200Mb/bread?

Numbers don't work…

Anons CAN do math…

Anonymous ID: a28ece Feb. 7, 2020, 12:11 a.m. No.8059035   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9045


Very interdasting, anon!

WHERE do you ask?!

Because Anons WORKING to post GRAPHICS might want to know? Do they have to know some "special" "archive anon" code? Where do "normie anons" find this code?


(WHY do so many MORANS post?!

NEVER go full retard!)