The Holy Grail is a legend like King Arthur's tales, not a point of faith.
Alec is a stable genius.
SF and Cal were nice before the immigrants flooded it under the nwo plan starting about 30 years ago under Bush I. Downhill ever since. Im wanting out now.
Yeah, the nwo is strictly against pot, it is still being suppressed heavily despite people voting for it. It was legal and for ordinary use for 300 years before the Rockefeller/Roosevelt cabal banned it in favor of pharma in 1934.
Yeah, these fucks join the Choom Gang and become a CIA-directed Resident n shit.
Trump should lay off the 800,000 unnecessary employees during the next budget impasse. They are 97% demoncrats. Get rid of them. Drain the swamp, and free up DC real estate for conservatives. I witnessed such a happening in 1980-81 and it was glorious.
Unity is strength. That's basic.
Prescription drugs kill the most people by far of any drugs.
People saw that coming back in the 70s.
Great examination and expose of how the Rockefeller pharma cabal/ nwo worked the cannabis issue back in the 1930s.
Russians are the other white race.
Bush Jr. + Bama did a pretty fucking good job of ruining the country for 16 years. Assholes. Hang 'em.
Pelousy needs to OD.