Or you can just smoke a natural herb and you're body can use its' natural defenses the way they were designed to make sure you never get sick in the first place. The last time I actually got sick was the last time the courts forced me to quit smoking.
>What a coincidence.
Not really. The knew about the many benefits of cannabis for a very long time, and restricted it's use so a select few could profit off of synthetic chemical alternatives that they could control via patents.
Nature has always been the cure. More than just smoking. A healthy diet goes a long way, which is why we've seen the general decline in health, as our food gets pumped full of chemicals and toxins now-a-days, often for the dumbest of reasons like marketing. Even many of the products that are marketed as "healthy" alternatives, as it becomes more of a pay-to-play sort of thing in order to get the "certified seal of approval", and not really about over all quality/health.