>Martha was a sleeper that has been activated. They are panicked. She's gone full leftard.
Ever notice leftards who only get news from MSDNC AND CNN know nothing about what a normies Sean Hannity TV only viewer know about, say, the Steele dossier?
Do you want an echo chamber for our side so they become zombified like the left? What harm is there with McCallum positing the lefts args? Isn't it better to see their stupidity on display rather than hiding it?
Are we not stronger here smashing the shills who have no barriers to posting their shit!
Anon's don't filter, they fight!
We want ALL normies educated awke and aware, not drooling NPC's simply rah rahing the right.
Isn't that why many GenX dig on Tucker. He listens to the other side. Finds places to agree and fights tthem where they go off the rails.
It's as stupid to filter here as it is on Fox. Our attitude toward their args, info propaganda should always be: