My fellow Americans, a man has fallen into the the river of Lego City, Lego City. A fantastic man, a great man, one of the best men I've ever known, and I have to tell you I have known many, many men, believe me! When I heard the news I immediately ordered the U.S. Army to start the rescue by helicopter, I love helicopters. Our helicopters are the best in the world. Hey! We build our helicopters only using the finest American lego blocks! I know a lot about helicopters, in fact, nobody knows more about helicopters than me, believe me, believe me. When we arrived at the location, the brave rescue personnel carefully prepared the lifeline and lowered the stretcher to make the rescue. The operation was quick, it was swift, it was ultimately successful, like everything I do. The man is now safe and sound thanks to the heroic work of our men and my terrific leadership, amazing leadership actually. I end by saying that the do-nothing democratic mayor of Lego City should probably focus his resources on making the Lego City River safe for our citizens, instead of trying to get me impeached. God bless America and thank you, and good night.