Why The Great Awakening is such a great meme / theme.
Everyone has the experience of being asleep and waking up. We all want to get to the waking state, after we have slept.
While sleeping, we dream. We know that dreams are not real. If we have been asleep, have we believed things that were not real?
The Great Awakening. People tend to believe things that they perceive masses of other people also believe. Normies don't like being the only person with a specific belief. So if the awakening is great, large, broad, wide, normies can feel they are going along with a growing trend instead of going solo.
Allusion to 19th century Christian religious revival of faith.
Calling a change of understanding an "awakening" is not pejorative. It does not denigrate the people who formerly believed in dreams, fantasies, or MSM lies. It encourages rather than reprimands.
It spurs curiosity. What is the Awakening about? Why are other people awakening? What did they learn that made them awaken?
OK, carry on. After 600+ Great Awakening memes, are we starting to understand some stuff?