sure is; and a of couple nice new ones from earlier today. The owl has a nice open space for dancing cabal members
Mitts Benedict (stick an egg muffin in his hand, if you can)
The Loop is very prominent there. Blues Brothers driving under it made it more famous nationally at that time.
that story is so old but the normz just do not get it. they are like gene hackman at the end of the birdcage , dressed in drag and the wife still has to explain it to him on the way home. that is the average norm towards big mike. Yet, the circumstantial evidence is also strong: lighting up the white house in gay-bow colors a couple times. emphasis on getting gay marriage through the courts with SC appointments and obamacare was mostly about getting gay men with aids access to insurances and no caps in the amount each year as it is an expensive disease to have, and remember magic johnson ? they said we would all have aids by now.
nah….just snagged it off a bread a couple nights ago because it was so accurate
funny you should say that as it is a capricorn….
"I stuck his dad in jail just for kicks : here…hold my donut"
got you beat….was born the very same day as big mike (enough to get the pepe with the shotgun to his head meme)