I'm having trouble posting too, or I'd bake.
I think the people worried about twitter accounts with names are shills.
Shills need to remain anon.
Next time Q posts a twitter link, tell him to fuck off.
Then you can go back to your comfy shill spot.
You JIDF fags are getting really easy to spot.
AFLB was on youtube, they got a few of them together, and when Q started getting into the MOSSAD drops and stuff, they started trying to say it was them LARPING>.
Been here long enough to recognize some posters that are also on twitter. It's not a big deal to me, I have my real name on my twitter account, have since 2009 when I set it up, and a lot of these people that Q links to I follow and they also follow me.
I'm not as concerned about the anon thing as many here are, but I respect the culture enough to stay anon.
Hmm, the dude I just filtered was the same piece of shit that said that.
You get the same treatment.
Q has never linked to my twitter account, and I doubt he ever will.
I'm way to controversial..but quite a few he's linked to follow me..