OH ffs. Go fuck yourself & your twitter account Julian. namefags are CANCER to this place
Dan, go clean your over with that brillo top head of yours & then go fuck yourself.
This is OLD fucking news. EVERYONE knew this. EVEN Putin knew it. You absolute retard. Do your own research. We are not your personal army. Especially for things that wasb& known & talked about over 3 years ago
Holy shit.
Keep sucking twitter faggots dicks ASSHOLE. Why does he have that "title" on his twitter account?! BECAUSE of this place!
Such stupid people. You assholes are early tonight.
Hey newfag, Good for you.
But this place is ANONYMOUS. Keep twitter fuckery on twitter ffs.
Joe is a actual faggot that is on the sexual offenders list, but you keep eating that ass dude.
What an absolute CUNT. People like her need to rot in jail. People like her are why some do not trust charities
PAYtriots are a fucking Cancer to this place. Their gullible followers that cheerfully follow blindly are just as bad.
This is getting fucking pathetic. IP hopping cunts pushing this pedo cunt. And using BULLSHIT to do it too. LOL
What has happened to this place
Ok Boomer.
Newfag, you really need to fuck off. no one cares that you have a Twitter account. Fuck. You sound like a retard, repeating that over & over again.
You are 100% a newfag since you are still trying to push twitter name fags in here
Do they give you a hand book of phrases to use in each post? Like, do you have a quota or anything?
See newfags? THIS is a big part of the twitter namefag/PAYtriot problem. They can't help themselves & insist on posting their bullshit in here. Which is funny because the quickest way to get people to HATE you is to spam your bullshit in here.
Bonus points when you say "No! I'm a fellow anon just like you! Look at this happening twitter account person I happened to find! Look at how smart & handsome he is"
It is beyond obvious. But, it's good for when one is bored, then there are more accounts to fuck with on twitter, So THANKS for that!
I am all for smart, non-crazy anons to go nuts on Twitter. Post everything you find interesting from here to help the normies! I follow a few accounts that do just that. I re-tweet them, I support them anyway I can. ON TWITTER.
And none of the ones I follow post in here. That's why I support them too.
The ones that post in here are deceitful(they post their own shit & then act like it's not them) And/or IP hop & talk to themselves defending the twitter account.
Attacking the anons here who call their shit out.
99% of the time, They get their shit from here to post on Twitter. So the ONLY reason to post that twitter in here, is for attention. And FUCK that. Because as you said, it's distracting in here, it slides new things in here.
I am instantly suspicious of anyone that posts twitter shit in here & then act like it's a totally fine & normal thing to do. Because it proves they have not been here long or are being purposefully deceitful
I have been calling this shit out in here for a multiple years now. It's easy to spot. & amusing when their minions attack.
But I won't stop doing it. Because it's important for that shit to get called out
Newfag, Q doesn't count. Fucking DUH. Idiot. YOU are not Q. The asshole posting his Twitter posts, IS NOT Q. So don't flatter yourself.
I am. I'm digging getting you fucking cunts so angry. It's fun.
That's the point. Anyone & Everyone can post here, & the best part about it is we are all the same. everyone is anon. As it should be.
Fuck off Polly. 60 year old hag