I like to look at nice eyes
And I like women with brains
Like this girl sending us encoded comms
I figured out how to build this
And it was real diabolical
Secret Service shift change arrives in the morning
And everyone inside the Whitehouse overnight is dead.
Natural causes, and there is no trace of the source
Because when it is turned off, it is turned off.
They needed to open up the walls to remove this
As well as the bugs that were hidden
But they expected to find bugs
But not this.
It was SATANic
The festival of Whipping and Flogging
February 15th
Trump whips them again.
And check his twitter
Because he will flog this message over and over again.
Read the comments on the linked message above
All shills infesting the board, except one.
A true Autist would recognize
That the glasses and the lights were all staged
Specifically so she could raise her chin
Just the right amount
At the right moment
To send the coded message.
2020 vision indeed!
Learn the language of symbols
153 = sum of numbers from 1 to 17
Of course.
And you can pore over them when they are released
In 50 years or so
But there will be a few curious small redactions
And the more clever historians
Will realize that Future proves the past
And tell everyone about Q's drop about a diabolical device.
I expect it will lead to a Q revival
And a revival of the Great Awakening as well.
It's all good.
The new administration brought in people from the military who worked on the highest top secret electronic devices to scan the WH for bugs rather than relying on intel agencies or FBI or SS.
These folks found metallic anomalies in the wall
So they opened it up, and there were some sophisticated bugging devices, a few of which were left in place to leak info and trap the bad guys.
But there was something else, diabolical and undetectable because it was turned off unless needed, and if you think flipping a breaker in a remove fusebox, then until that is done the device doesn't leak any sort of EMF at all.
And since it was not a radio device, you couldn't use the trick pioneered by Theremin and the Russian gift of a Great Seal carving to the US Embassy Moscow. And if that is Greek to you, then dig. And dig into the Dutch folks who figured out how it works.
And after you have educated yourself thusly, study the border wall construction and photos of the pieces stacked and waiting to be set up.
Fascinating trickery, and there is NO WAY to get past that wall undetected. Not even hot air balloons.
The thing is, Trump will make nice with them, other than his Tweet Storms. He will not do anything aggressive other than stating his case aggressively.
The dragons were unleashed from the cave years ago, shortly after the inauguration. They can't be stopped. Even POTUS cannot stop what is coming.
There is a reason why Q told us about
Rule Of Law
It is fair and balanced and it's slow methodical process makes it powerful like a bulldozer is powerful. When the B2 is over the target, somebody deep in the bowels of the DOJ will open the Bomb Bay doors.
POTUS will just be golfing
Which actually means
holding secret meetings
What happens if you bug a golf course,
And before POTUS arrives
A military guy in dirty blue jeans
Drives a lawn mower containing a downward pointing DEW
Over the course?
Can you say mini directed EMP?
Does it mean Step 3 before Step 4?
There is no Step 5!
This board is infested with Anons who want to get to the final event Right Now!!!
And everyday they throw temper tantrums demanding it.
These people are Clown Shills
Who know that if Step 4 is begun out of sequence
They have a way to escape Justice
But if everything continues to happen according to the schedule in The Plan
Then Step 4 is ORANGE
And there is no Step 5
Because the Game is over.