Tanks Bakes
>I just noticed Joe Walsh is following me. Have no idea why.
I thought you meant THE Joe Walshj, which would be pretty cool. This dude, not so much.
>She has a bright future as a stripper and coked out single mom.
Oh, I'm sure she acheived both of those milestones before this video.
Obviously you don't get the sarcasm, nor recognize the night shift meme.
Nor bothered to check who I replied to.
I'd hit that on a Friday night.
>Brain parasite has killed 30 percent of elk cows and calves imported from Arizona
That can't be good.
They think I'm crazy but I have a good time.
It's Friday.
>All the good Anons did leave. The other board was 100% better than this one.
WTF are you on about? Half/pol?