Anonymous ID: a31f64 March 26, 2018, 10:33 p.m. No.807313   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7372

For over a year I felt like lonely wolf… I knew President Trump is doing good thing but I was confused with all the noise and distraction watching FBI and DoJ on his ass with investigations, special councils… and every night going to bad just pray for POTUS to survive worried for his life and his family. Then all this Q thing started I got hooked up on YouTube then found you and started lurking then posting… then eating bread :) Thank you bakers and being so happy every time Q drops another clue. I know most of things are too much for us and we do not understand what is going on but just this glimpse into what is going on and verification of some worse fears that actually is worse then I thought and light and optimism and our friendship Anons helps a lot to live day by day knowing that we are restoring our Republic and destroying Cabal and it's instruments one by one.