This debate is painful to watch. So many words strung together to say absolutely nothing which is even remotely coherent or relevant
It's so bad it's hard to even follow
I just have coffee
I'd like to stand between Bernie and Biden and go all Fists of Fury on their faces
Nah. I'm old. Not much rattles me anymore
My 5th grade science teacher started my red-pill initiation in 1977. I thought he was nuts at the time, but my little sponge of a brain soaked it all up anyway
Bernie sounds like he is literally describing Donald Trump
Bootygrab went to the same oratory training as Obongo and Beta
Biden is a national treasure - if he were a comedian. I'm dying over here
I wish everyone else would shut up and just let him talk the whole time. He is hilarious
Pure entertainment is all they have to offer at this point though
Steyer looks like a poster child for fetal alcohol syndrome
That was very poorly worded. Or are you actually a lifetime human trafficker?