Anonymous ID: 0c03e1 Feb. 7, 2020, 7:48 p.m. No.8069347   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9375 >>9381 >>9401 >>9455 >>9873



(half sauce, half speculation...input from anons that know about surveillance, RF engineering, and especially passive listening devices welcome)


from a few breads ago >>8066728 pb


>The new administration brought in people from the military who worked on the highest top secret electronic devices to scan the WH for bugs rather than relying on intel agencies or FBI or SS.


>These folks found metallic anomalies in the wall


>So they opened it up, and there were some sophisticated bugging devices, a few of which were left in place to leak info and trap the bad guys.


>But there was something else, diabolical and undetectable because it was turned off unless needed, and if you think flipping a breaker in a remove fusebox, then until that is done the device doesn't leak any sort of EMF at all.


>And since it was not a radio device, you couldn't use the trick pioneered by Theremin and the Russian gift of a Great Seal carving to the US Embassy Moscow. And if that is Greek to you, then dig. And dig into the Dutch folks who figured out how it works.


Great Seal carving:


Dutch folks who figured out how it works:


>The CIA ran a secret research program at the Dutch Radar Laboratory (NRP) in Noordwijk in the Netherlands from 1954 to approximately 1967 to create its own covert listening devices based on a dipole antenna with a detector diode and a small microphone amplifier. The devices were developed under the Easy Chair research contract[8] and were known as Easy Chair Mark I (1955), Mark II (1956), Mark III (1958), Mark IV (1961) and Mark V (1962).[9] Although initially they could not get the resonant cavity microphone to work reliably, several products involving Passive Elements (PEs) were developed for the CIA as a result of the research. In 1965, the NRP finally got a reliably working pulsed cavity resonator, but by that time the CIA was no longer interested in passive devices, largely because of the high levels of RF energy involved.[10]


>And after you have educated yourself thusly, study the border wall construction and photos of the pieces stacked and waiting to be set up.


see pic

resonant cavities


>The [Great Seal] device, a passive cavity resonator, became active only when a radio signal of the correct frequency was sent to the device from an external transmitter. This is referred to in NSA parlance as "illuminating" a passive device.


what is a waveguide?

>There are different types of waveguides for different types of waves. The original and most common[1] meaning is a hollow conductive metal pipe used to carry high frequency radio waves, particularly microwaves.


what happens when it's "illuminated" and a body passes above or below it?


how can something like this work without RF?


>Fascinating trickery, and there is NO WAY to get past that wall undetected. Not even hot air balloons.




now let's look at (pic attached)

>Troops to Border.

>Clown Black Ops.

>Private funds.

>Raised how?

>Troops @ Border does what?


>To who?


The WALL means more than you know.

The FIGHT for the WALL is for so much more.



and (pic attached)

>Human Trafficking, Drugs, and Criminals of all dimensions - KEEP OUT!

somehow I don't think "dimensions" means "physical size" here...