>I don't blame all Jews (that's a strawman argument)
Moses was Akhenaten with Ahmed Osman
>muh jew
>Another non productive fucktard.
>Filtered like the rest of the copy pastas. Nothing but spam
>propaganda clowns that spend hours and hours to post the same stuff are NOT anons.
>Cry more.
>Akhenaten was a Habiru, whose capital was Avaris (avarice).
The Canaanites, why God destroyed them ?
>>8070503 (You)
>Hitler outlawed Masonry
>you can't hate jews
>and he is controlled opo to the satanic Jews
>Shut up christcuck. You edgy boomers are pathetic and haven't even taken the full redpill.
>You don't like being on the opposite side of the "no u", do you faggots? Imagine being so easily triggered.
>Hahahahahah what pathetic cucks.
>Found the way to trigger the redditniggers who slide every fucking bread with shit they don't even understand.
>Did you pray to your kike on a stick today, or read from your half jewish holy book?
>I see. Maybe one day you'll realize that simply lobbing an ad hominem in response to something you don't like is a complete waste of time.
>Good luck, kiddo.
>Finklefag, I'm disappointed in your absolutely cringe and bluepilled understand of the extent of the subversive semitic desert cultS.