Had a nice dig on him last night
<needing to argument about fucking jews every single bread
Retards on both sides of that are all faggots.
I know, you have good posts, so do some of the "muhjoo" posters. But until you take the redpill about how ALL abrahamic cults should not be in the West, it's meh.
>Christianity is the basis of Western civilization
Now it is dumbass, a subversive semitic desert cult infiltrated the greatest civilizations on Earth, and made them weak.
You're a fucking pleb.
Shut the fuck up rainman.
Don't usually musicfag, but been jamming to this guy lately. Relatively new artist, one of the ones bringing back that true outlaw country/blue grass.
For anyone that hasn't heard him.
>haha my abrahamic cult is better than yours!
Shut up christcuck, you're just as bad as the semitophiles.
See how unproductive this is? Post digs on subversion or stop doing the stupid fucking "no u" about your less favorite desert cult with the other dumbasses.
Well, there's not much evidence they colonized North America, but there is evidence of the mining. It's unclear who did it, but they're a good hypothesis as are the Minoans.
>islam bad!
>judaism bad!
<christianity good!
As a legitimate christian, you can't hate jews, it makes absolutely no fucking sense.
Stop being edgy and actually do some research. Fucking pathetic.
I agree with you completely. It's similar to the Solutrean Hypothesis, which I think is legitimate. It's hard to say they "colonized" it because of the lack of evidence of colonization. But it's clear for the evidence we DO have they had a presence here, both the Phoenicians (or another sea faring east Mediterranean culture) and the Ice Age peoples of the French-Spanish border area.
Shut up christcuck. You edgy boomers are pathetic and haven't even taken the full redpill.
You don't like being on the opposite side of the "no u", do you faggots? Imagine being so easily triggered.
>replying that way unironically
Hahahahahah what pathetic cucks.
Found the way to trigger the redditniggers who slide every fucking bread with shit they don't even understand.
Did you pray to your kike on a stick today, or read from your half jewish holy book?
Finklefag, I'm disappointed in your absolutely cringe and bluepilled understand of the extent of the subversive semitic desert cultS.
Keep coping cuckstain.
Fuck your copypasta /pol/ack, take the real redpill.
You mad Christian?
No abrahamic desert cult should be in the west. Including your pathetic one.
inb4 I'm a pagan, athiest, or satanist, or another subversive desert cult for that matter, I'm none of those ridiculous things.