Leadership initiatives are shifting the globalist paradigm. The possibilities are being re-imaged and the U.N. is re-establishing its' governing principles.
The dollar is strong , but with low domestic production, this is particularly upsetting to bottom line of the consumer. Markets are still expecting a downturn to 18,000. Credit rating secure alongside secure branches of government, plus corruption probes.
U.S. wellness levels have risen under Trump and global initiatives continue to fail impoverished nations. The World Health Organization, The International Monetary Fund, The World Bank, and The Red Cross need to re-organize.
American media is under government control and propaganda is balanced.
The Republican party is secure, but risks stagnation and blindly following new leadership in a post-Trump field. Democrat party is insecure in future policy, but solidified as a governing body.
Bernie and Buttigieg will likely have it out. Warren and Biden will see themselves out post-S.C. Bloomberg receives a high rating because of his overall impact on the elections, not his individual potential as a candidate.