From Dark to Light.
From Dark to Light.
You know what I'd ask him, if her ever woke up during a NIGHTSHIFT, ya know, just to lurk'n'stuff?
POTUS, how do you cope?
Wow, what a typo. Sorry.
Feels like we are being bombarded right now. No, yes, no, maybe, idk. No matter which was you slice it. POTUS is a machine, at his age, how does he keep pushing forward, and make it look so effortless? I know he has his staff, and they are there for him/us, but just energy alone. What a powerhouse.
I'm not trying to butter anyone up, it's a matter of logistics. Four hours of sleep? Saving the world, Making America Glorious Absolutely, fathering a family, caring for his wife. Maybe I am just not experienced enough to understand, at what point does the body say, "Ok, it's overdrive time." Maybe I really am sick. Maybe I really am lazy. Maybe I really am fudged up from partying a decade ago. Or maybe… We are being pressured, biologically, neuro-chemically, energetically, pain-effectively, aurically?
What I'm really asking is, what was your coping break point, and you said, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH?! I feel like I am almost at that point myself. Aren't you pissed that these masters of nefariousness and greed attempted all of this, in order to stop ONE MAN, from being who he really is, a masculine, strong, decent, extremely motivated, organized, leader from doing the right thing by all of us? Do you even have a minute to just cry? I know how lame that sounds, but I feel like exploding sometimes from the stress, into a sweaty bubbling puddle on the tile floor.
You probably have awesome towels, and office supplies.
GNite Midnight Snack POTUS mode.
It needs sauce, but this, is the "EMPCOE." Chris knew, or his director did, or whoever came up with idea for the video's premise.
They attack whom they fear the most!