Fucking based Africa, if only we had done this to our invaders.
People don't realize how bad a felony reality is. Some parts of my state won't let a felon rent an apt until 7 years after thier conviction. Over a shroom or whatever. I don't do drugs myself but I have seen good people lose everything. Once u catchy a felony u done done. Especially with illegals n h-1b visas and guest workers.
US Navy 12 years until I hurt my back. Refused surgery feed pain pills to keep working for 4 years. Ended up active duty on watch taking 3 4mg dalaudid a day. Caught a huge habbit and was kicked. Civilians can sue and get class actions against civilian docs but I'm stuck with a fucked up back, resocketed and stitched shoulder, 3 bars and 4 screws on my left hand, and only 1.3k a month to live on after 12 years AD because I ended up, SURPRISE, addicted to pain killers.
Animefag = filtered fuck off
I mean the navy refused to give me back surgery, they claimed I would get better. I ended up with no disc l4-5 and a deteriorated disc l3-4
Pray for ya brother, the military does back people wrong I swear. You lose a limb you good for anything, you have a disc gone TITS OR GTFO. I don't mean oh I lifted a heavy thing back pain i know you know what I mean. Fucking brownies going to medical and come out not even using the crutches properly with this light limited chit.
Hell all this CABAL n Q fighting it gave me dual hope, one we win and maybe I can fight my discharge since I was feed pills to keep working, or two we lose and WW3 begins. I'm good with either F rotting away in thus porno saturated, absolutely subverted, replacement wanting country.
I lost 45 iq reading this
Aight G dawg