2 C.I.A. planes shot down by Taliban
Cleaning House ? Castle Clean ? Where did they get the missiles ?
Reminder " Extortion 17 " SEAL Chinook brought down by misile with US markings on it.
MTV , became " MIND-WAR " very early on.
Anon got ' woke ' when I saw the word PAIN flashed on screen for just under a second at end of a 9 Inch Nails song = " Downward Spiral "
Got right up and found my Aldous Huxley book " BRAVE NEW WORLD REVISITED " and went to chapter on subliminal suggestion ( Mind War ) …. Its real , They Live is real.
If a word like " PAIN " is flashed on a TV screen along with images of people in chains / agony / or other distress, what effect does this have on viewer ? ( Especially when veiwer does not SEE the subliminally injected word )
Answer : Viewer feels emotion pain , from unknown source, can't identify it , just a general sense of " un-ease " …
Result : Target will seek drugs / booze / sex / distraction to get rid of " pain "
This keeps population off balance / controllable / not a threat to deep state.
From PSYOPS to MIND WAR ( Aquino )
Parameters US Army War College.
Anons, MTV as delivery vector for subliminal suggestions …. is OUT.
What may be embedded in those video games though !
Virginia is not really " The South "
“Assault weapons” ban advances in Virginia legislature, crowd erupts in protest“
Assault weapons” ban advances in Virginia legislature, crowd erupts in protest
The Gun Feed
VIrginia Capitol and State Police Eject Citizens from House Committee after assault weapon ban vote
( Longshanks would be proud )
NO " Legitimacy " has this government anymore.
DHS says – " Be Prepared , get a kit , make a plan "
FBI says – " Preppers " are " Dangerous "
W.T.F. ?
Experiment : ( Learning to " SEE " subliminals on Tee-Vee )
Watch FOX news with sound off , pay attention to graphics on screen behind the talking heads.
( Visual images stick with target audience long after words of announcer are forgotten )