"Brave New World"
https:// archive.org/details/BraveNewWorldAldousHuxley_201312
Start at beginning of chapter 3.
Naked children in the garden "playing"
They have always wanted the kids…
"Brave New World"
https:// archive.org/details/BraveNewWorldAldousHuxley_201312
Start at beginning of chapter 3.
Naked children in the garden "playing"
They have always wanted the kids…
>watch the water
"U.S.-based Planetary Resources, a firm backed by Google founder Larry Page and Virgin Group’s Richard Branson, expects to be mining asteroids for water in the next 10 to 15 years."
They are fighting over outer space water.
https:// www.livemint.com/Science/t3qcbMB1nokeQZIw1IQNKO/Who-owns-Mars-Mining-puts-spotlight-on-out-of-this-world-pr.html