Anonymous ID: 2c9c04 March 26, 2018, 11:39 p.m. No.807756   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7768


After obomination, shillary and the muslim brotherhood screwed up the middle east, destroying nation states so that the new caliphate ottoman empire could rise. With antichrist erdogan as its sultan.


With all that, someone has to step in an stabilize these failed states.


Libya has slave markets again thanks to obmination. And the nazi EU isnt going to step in because they want a pipeline of islamists to islamify europe. Once islamified, per hitlers plan executed by hitlers daughter angela merkel, Then they will join the this new holy roman empire., but this time it will be islamic. Germanistan in the north, ottoman in the south.


So i see the plan you describe as going against erdogan, that would be a good thing.


Btw do like how antifa is stepping up to crack down on people protesting hitlers daughter angela merkel. Nazi is as nazi does.


Also prayers for the 85 year old woman in Paris, holocaust survivor who was stabbed, murdered and set on fire by islamists.


so sad. Fck nazis


This sure feels like the tribulation

Anonymous ID: 2c9c04 March 26, 2018, 11:57 p.m. No.807837   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Interesting. Hard to say whats going on there. These billionaire globalists are vultures. It could be as you stated, these are vultures swooping in on Libya. But if israel or the US were to go there it would be to stabilize it.


People do not realize that Israel is only about 25% religious. They have the same problems with libtards there. They received alot of communists from russia. They have the same nonsense with banning prayers in school. Tel Aviv is the homosexual capital of the world.


Inother words its just like the US. Too many libtards, too many commies, to many nazis left over from WW2, too much immorality,


They are hardly monolithic. There are a lot of self hating Jews like soros who worked for the nazis and is a self declared atheist. So its hard to tell where these bronfmans stand, sounds like the cant even stand each other.


Thanks for info, the more you learn, the more you learn you dont know everything