Why people are accusing UK Gov and Theresa May of Deep State or relations with Merkel?
UK is MAJOR Player on US and POTUS movements.
Do research on each subjects:
Why the Conservatives (Tories) and the MPs that supported full EU now decided to go against the EU?
Why Theresa May that campaigned for pro-EU is now full brexit?
Why GCHQ that supported Obama Administration decided to change side and supported Trump administration?
If Queen/Monarch is part of deep state why they would let that happen? aren't they going to stop the Brexit?
Why did SA Prince meet the Queen?
What are May and POTUS main talks on Davos? >>158297
Why Jeremy Corbyn received letter from Hillary?
What else did Jeremy Corbyn, the opposition party leader receive besides the letter from Hillary?
Why the Telford Grooming is back in MSM after its first coverage in 2010?
Q said strings are cut to US/UK https:// 8ch.net/cbts/res/51584.html#51984
SALISBURY is the proof of UK role in POTUS movements
Why Salisbury Poisoning is happening on Brexit transition?
Why UK Foreign Secretary is "reckless" on comments about Russia and refused help from Russia on poisoning attack?
Why UK Home Secretary Rudd leads COBRA?
Why Russian Spy?
What happened to EU countries after Russian Spy is poisoned?
What is the Main Goal?
What is the benefit for US?
Talk About Gas.
Talk About Tariffs.
Ask Merkel.
Who were panicking and arranged EU talks immediately after David Davis talks on EU?
Why the poisoning date is close to POTUS tweets about EU?
Q Warned Merkel.
Know your allies. Trust the UK.