Anonymous ID: 7c31a8 March 27, 2018, 12:08 a.m. No.807886   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7887


Some of us "shills" are still here.

I was being vocal earlier because I thought it would make Q show up. Didnt work. Neither did the porn fags summoning. Hopefully Q team is ok. We could use a drop.

Anonymous ID: 7c31a8 March 27, 2018, 12:15 a.m. No.807930   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7942

Texasanon here

It is after midnight so I cant get any more beer.

I still have a bottle of vodka and some weed.

Life is good.

Anonymous ID: 7c31a8 March 27, 2018, 12:23 a.m. No.807963   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7973


Only part time pornfag..primarily a memefag and critical thinking anon. I dont think Q is comin tho. Someone said he was playing lazer tag or something in Kabul

Anonymous ID: 7c31a8 March 27, 2018, 12:50 a.m. No.808060   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8064


Q² here:

Trump is being blackmailed—BIG time!

First, know that he only won the election with the help of Israel.

Israel needed a Christian Zionist in the White House.

Many reasons for this. Examples:

• Israel can only contain Iran with US military.

• Turkey can no longer be counted on to play the NATO game.

• Greater Israel project was hugely thwarted by Putin.

• Pipeline through Syria stopped.

• Netanyahu under serious threat of removal.

• Russian presence looms large in Northern Levant.

• Israel wants Russia’s naval base at Tartus, Syria gone.

• Mideast geopolitical chessboard is a total mess.

• Only an Israel firster can fix it for Tel Aviv (even though it can’t be fixed).

Enter Zionist John Bolton.

And Neocon hardliner Mike Pompeo.

And CIA torture queen Gina Haspel.

And many other COERCED [and disastrous] appointments made by Trump.

Wicked Witch of the West Nikki Haley is the worst of them.

Guess who really picked her to be U.S. Ambassador to the UN?

Exactly—I S R A E L !

~ End of 1st message ~

Q² here:

Secondly, know that Trump has a seedy underbelly.

How could he not?

Anyone who spent his career as a NYC builder,

And a gambling casino owner and operator,

And a beauty pageant promoter–Miss USA, Miss Universe & Miss Teen USA,

And a global golf course developer, etc. would be vulnerable.

VERY vulnerable!

Just look at casino magnate Steve Wynn in Vegas. One week and he’s gone—for good.

In each of his enterprises, Trump had “tremendous” (his fav word) exposure.

Especially to real bimbos. Who Trump liked.

But especially — ESPECIALLY — to MOSSAD honeytraps.

No one does it like the Israeli secret services.

That’s how they got Clinton hooked up with Lewinsky.

Monica was a classic MOSSAD honeypot.

Netanyahu wanted Clinton to free Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard.

He wouldn’t, so they trapped him off with a scandalous White House affair…

And then a torturous impeachment process.

~ End of 2nd message ~

Q² here:

Since day 1 Trump knew that the MOSSAD knows every dirty little secret.

There are many! Some are quite dangerous to his presidency.

The most dangerous are held over his head like the “sword of Damocles”.

Some lurid material was released to the public during the campaign as a warning.

There was even a British tabloid article — pre-election — about an alleged ‘rape’!

That particular story may be a total fabrication, but it’s still out there on the net….

Ready to be blown up at any time by the MOSSAD blackmailers.

Now the X-rated content is being released to compel his compliance.

It comes in drips and drabs.

Every money-grubbing bimbo comes forward at a specific time.

Each female sayanim operative or MOSSAD agent ratchets up the pressure to achieve a result.

In the beginning, the main message was to remind Trump who he really works for.

However, now the real game is on.

With each passing month since inauguration the POTUS must carry out his mission…for Israel.

That mission can only be accomplished by a Christian Zionist, real or perceived.

Trump was given a VERY long leash to strut his stuff. He really is a nationalist.

In this way his handlers knew he would corral the patriots…which he did.

Now they want him to form an administration of hardcore warhawks. Which he’s doing.

All of this is to push the nation into a war posture.

~ End of 3rd message ~

Q² here:

The Stormy Daniels affair is being kept in the media spotlight for various reasons.

The public is being exposed to Trump, the philandering husband.

Now there’s “Playmate of the Year” Karen McDougal.

If the directors of this Israeli psyop wanted to, they could parade many more.

Anonymous ID: 7c31a8 March 27, 2018, 12:51 a.m. No.808064   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8072 >>8083


This is how they do it.

They maintain a steady stream of bad press so that the victim is on edge.

They never know when the other shoe will drop.

However, in Trump’s case, they have all the goods.

The most incriminating evidence, both real and fabricated, would end his presidency.

And he knows it.

This is how they keep politicos the world over dangling from a string.

Trump has had much interaction with younger women over his entire life.

He has been in countless compromising positions–literally and figuratively.

The MOSSAD owns his entire file.

Got it?!

~ End of 4th message ~

Q² here:

Remember, Trump would not have beat Hillary were it not for Israel.

Israel controls so much more than they are given credit and blame for.

The statewide voting systems are a cinch for those cyber-crackerjacks.

That’s not to say that Trump did not win the electoral vote—he did.

It’s just that Israel made sure he was declared the official winner.

Once they put Trump in the White House, what else could be expected.

War … and more war…particularly for Israel.

The warmongering Likud Party will not rest until Iran is taken out.

And only the U.S. military machine can do that.

What you are now seeing is a steady drumbeat for war across the USA.

The warhawks are being brought back in by Trump to lead the charge.

These are the same chickenhawks under W. Bush.

They never saw an American war they didn’t like.

Of course, none of them ever fought in a war either.

Trump has signed every defense appropriation because of this push to war.

He has mentioned the need to strengthen America’s military every week.

He has stacked his key appointments since day one with flag officers.

Some of these are even on active duty.

Many of them you don’t even know.

Nor do you know where they work in the West Wing.

The whole Executive Branch is being hardened for war.

If not a regional war in the Middle East, then the hot phase of WW3.

All of these war plans are being coordinated with NATO.

The UK is taking the lead as always.

Selected countries in the EU are also being prepped.

Germany, France, Netherlands, Belgium, Italy…all the usual militaries.

~ End of 5th message ~

Q² here:

How does Trump get out of this one?

They really do have him by the short hairs.

Trump is a peacemaker at heart.

His inaugural address speaks volumes about his truest intentions.

However, he underestimated the power of Deep State.

Trump also did not realize that he would have to sign a contract.

As the CEO of the U.S. Government, Inc., he was forced to sign the contract that every POTUS signs before they are sworn in.

Not only does the presidential candidate promise not to prosecute any former POTUS, VPOTUS, etc., they agree to many other unsavory things.

Any violation of said contract occurs on pain of death…or worse. [See Endnotes]

That’s why Trump changed so much once he entered the Oval Office.

No person on Earth could resist the dictates of the Shadow Government.

This isn’t City Hall, this is the U.S. Federal Government.

Now what can he do?

~ End of 6th message ~

Q² here:

Trump knows that he will lose his base if he starts a war.

Any war, and Trump is toast.

His constituents voted for a peacemaker, not a war-maker.

If he proceeds down the current path, his term will be ended.

Trump cannot fight both the Left and the Right at the same time.

If he betrays his base, he will never be re-elected.

If he fires one more missile in the wrong direction, he’s history.

Trump knows this.

His team of patriots knows this. So do the white hats.

His handlers know this, but they don’t care….

Trump is expendable since they put Pence right next to him.

Pence will prosecute any war he’s handed.

Trump knows this.

This is why he’s between a rock and a hard place.

~ End of 7th message ~

Anonymous ID: 7c31a8 March 27, 2018, 12:54 a.m. No.808072   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8121


Q² here:

Just because Israel put Trump into office doesn’t mean that it was not a modern-day miracle.

After all, “God writes straight with crooked lines.”

Yes, it’s Israel that’s very crooked.

Trump could only have gotten so far without the assistance of certain power-brokers and bankers.

How could he have won otherwise?

Nothing occurs in the White House without Israel knowing.

Actually, the Neocon Zionists know well in advance of any presidential initiative(s).

This is the way it’s been since Kennedy.

And that’s why every POTUS must sign the contract.

They don’t want another JFK, and that includes Trump.

Which means that Trump will soon be forced to make decisions that violate his promises.

With the warmongers assembling quickly, they are on a serious mission.

~ End of 8th message ~

Q² here:

Spring 2018 appears to be their chosen time frame to stage a major conflict.

The warmongers are now out in force.

Just like the Iraq War, the same chickenhawks are squawking loudly.

First they used the Left and the media to incite a war against Russia.

Before that they used the Right to promote war on Iran.

All the while, the Zionists waged an apocalyptic war against Syria.

North Korea was thrown into the mix of dangerous regimes.

The same Neocon Zionist warmongers even conjured up a new “Axis of Evil”.

Trump himself was used to trumpet “Iran, North Korea and Syria” as the greatest enemies of humanity.

Now he’s expected to perform on his false and empty proclamation.

What’s he going to do?

If he breaks the central campaign promises that got him elected, he’s history.

Unfortunately, the Bolton appointment proves that Trump is being blackmailed.

Many other recent appointments indicate the same.

These bad actors are taking center stage for a specific reason.

Each of them will be used to provide Trump cover.

They will tell us the decisions to go to war are not his.

They are the best advice of his top advisors and military brass.

This is how they will march President Donald Trump to war.

And how he will be used to march America to war.

Whether Trump marches to the beat of a different drummer remains to be seen.

~ End of 9th message ~

Trump’s signing of the Omnibus Bill is another example of blackmail in action.

The hasty approval by Congress shows how they’re all bribed and blackmailed, too.

Why did Trump sign a 2232 page spending bill with so much pork in it?

$1.3 trillion ! ! !

And no one even had time to read it before voting.

Congress broke the 72-hour Transparency Rule for the first time.

They didn’t even post the entire bill online.

Bribery and blackmail of the highest order! And… … …

“The spending bill continues the more than $500 million in taxpayer dollars Planned Parenthood receives each year.”

This 2018 Omnibus is yet another budgetary disaster for USA.

The $21 trillion plus national debt will balloon even more, and more quickly.

No money for the border wall, either.

Parts of it even accelerate Obama’s Amnesty!

Tellingly, POTUS received an additional $5.6 billion to fund the unlawful Syrian War.

Why does the Commander-in-chief still have his troops in Syria?

Precisely—I S R A E L !

Remember, this Omnibus financial fiasco took place just before the 60 Minutes “Stormy Daniels interview”.

C O I N C I D E N C E ? Hardly.

Honeytraps are often laid years in advance…

Only to be used later when they can really do damage.

~ End of 10th message ~

Anonymous ID: 7c31a8 March 27, 2018, 1:53 a.m. No.808205   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8211 >>8222

Damn. it took us like 30 mins to fill 1QQQ


This bread is slow.

Maybe I can fix that.

The eart is Flat, Q is a LARP and research Project Pelican.

Shillanon out.