How come WikiLeaks never dropped the good shit? Vault 7 was supposed to culminate with 911 disclosure in my opinion, but they just stopped all of a sudden.
Presidnent Trump needs to step the fuck up and tell the AMerican people the real story behind all of these mass shootings and false flags. Thats what a hero would do. I would rather live under sanctions with an honest government, than live it up under a corrupt one.
I dont think Trump will disclose the FBI involvement in any of these mass shootings or bombings because it would hurt us more.
President Trump: Tell me what the fuck is going on with all of these mass shootings and false fucking flags you puffy lipped faggot.
Staffer: Sir we have done approximately 32,321 of these operations in other countries, dont sweat the miniscule amount we do over here. I mean we cant just have them over there because people will start to talk. Its neccessary Mr President.
Thats a redpill for normies.
He was a major character in at least one of the blade movies.
Its interesting also because in the blade movies the vampires used symbols, not words to identify with themselves and their affiliates. The Blade series kind of parralels the illumminati.