Muh Pistis Sophia
That the Vatican really wants people to ignore the Gnostics/Nag Hammadi Library and/or the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Anything later than the DSS has been heavily influenced by the Roman, during the Flavian Dynasty, with the help of Josephus.
Ultimately, it points towards the origins of Christianity NOT being what people have been sold it is.
(I.e: The Pope is a Fish Hat Fool.)
Beyond that, the god of the Christian Holy Book IS basically the Demiurge, and The True God of All was the snake who helped Adam and Eve achieve/express Free Will; which they would have never done had they stayed in the Garden, left to their own devices.
People really need to re-read their Bible with a critical eye, but their indoctrination is so thorough that doing so is tantamount to Blasphemy.
(Which is MY "greatest sin": I don't believe in YOUR god… and I'm thus going to EVERYONE'S hell.)
In a sense, I kinda was.
Gotta blend in with the Fundies and Bible Thumpers.
Y'know… the ones who have no interest in the "Tale of what Josh The Magic Jew was up to for Three Days before he Resurrected".
Muh Critical Thinking and Muh Logical Thinking isn't allowed to be applied to Christianity, HEATHEN!!!!
Well, Africa doooooes have one of the largest concentrations of Chinese outside of China, and lord knows they don't have the facilities nor abilities to tackle the Kung Flu there, sooooo…
Makes sense.
Glad that fucker was taken out.
I didn't think you were one, it's more for the lurkers.
Mocking the Jews and Muslims is universally accepted here, but the second you don't discuss Christianity as the ABSOLUTE Truth, then faggots here get their panties in a wad and I didn't feel like dealing with their yoked, blinded, unthinking nonsense.
Kinky :D
I get more flack during the Night Shift, in my experience.
Liiiike, how retarded do people have to be to run around screaming "QUESTION EVERYTHING but the bible!!!"?
I still prefer "Paying MuhDick"
Vampire memes?