it is hard to have an op where multiple countries are sequencing the genome that you think is just an op.
Need some night shift vibes.
If the cruise ship is right epidemiology RO 61.
Wtithin 2 months 13 million infected and 225 thousand showing signs.
I broke 8kun once don't make me break it again.
don't worry viruses are not racist.
Remember assholes China is at day 58 of Corona virus everyone else is just getting to day 14.
Q looking glass AI trying to change it.
99 percent in hospital.
Nothing can stop this nothing.
Future Proves Past.
Pence slip - last Speaker of the House.
Baron Time Traveler
Last President.
no several countries have sequenced the virus genome. The only hope is figuring out how to stop the body cytokine storm that causes acute respiratory illness. This happens about 8 days after hospitalization and puts 20 percent in ICU. Hey I have been doing some digging.
For any real ANONS on here look up Cytokine Storm. That is what is killing people from the Corona Virus ( with a little HIV thrown in).
I will break this shit again if you don't help me out.
my calc is 130 million with that many disabled i will do what is necessary.
opps sorry 1.3 billion
Viruses have no racism.
Viruses don't give a damn about politics.