9 billion people on earth
death rate .15 and disability after same .15
Contagion rate 61/1.
That is 1.3 Billion dead and 1.3 billion disabled.
Would that affect your stupid politics?
9 billion people on earth
death rate .15 and disability after same .15
Contagion rate 61/1.
That is 1.3 Billion dead and 1.3 billion disabled.
Would that affect your stupid politics?
information changes action
watch this board I know now why God allowed this Novel Corona.
Neon God
Neon God
Focus people. I pray to the divine I am wrong.
1.3 billion
1,300,000,000 dead and that many bed ridden.
Neon God
Neon God
Neon God
Neon God
most of you will be sick in 2 months or less and even if not very confused and lacking knowledge, ability and supplies
I am sad.
Yup go head go to the airport.
viruses love egotistical assholes that think they are all that and attend every event.
contagous rate shown on cruise to be 61/1 Never seen, measles 15. It may be less - it was a fucking cruise ship and people boarding and taking tours in Hong Kong and Vietnam. But even so….
Way out of the curve - beyond 99 percent.
What are the chances? Q
Q I got the comm thanks.
Fucking Terminator shit.
send B to location
you all are arguing election lol
holly crap 61 is a prime number lol
bifurcation number.
Silence like a cancer grows - no human sound.
There is no immunity to this. It is actually the body response that kills Cytokine Storm probably about 1/3. But with modern med down to .15 but the others are invalids.
Someones child will lead us out of the ashes.
LOL yes they do but the cell biology is all the same.
He was responding to me I am night shift vibe.
I shit it down once do not force me to do it again.
just let them know or shut the pathogen down.
I did my shit.
dudd an 8 sample is meaningless.
cruise ship had over 3000 if you can prove only Asians sick I will believe you.
damn can't take a np yet. Moron thought Asian cells were different than Caucasian or anyone's.
What you don't get is it just escaped or was planted by a an insane person in Wuhan. The ACE 2 is is in all human lungs, The HIV receptor fucks up the normal response to a virus.
Then 8 days after hospitalization 20 percent have cytokine storm and that kills them and the ones that survive are basically bed ridden.