Anonymous ID: 048c4b Feb. 8, 2020, 5:05 p.m. No.8078925   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8961

The market ticker… wow we must be normal




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Ghod, did you watch that garbage?


If you haven't – you need to.  I know, if you're either uninterested in politics, or you're a Republican, you probably didn't and won't.


These people want you dead, enslaved, or both and they don't much care which it is.


This isn't typical political polarization, which not only isn't news it isn't new either.  This is much, much worse.  It is rabid, it is spiteful in the extreme and it comes with a willingness to inflict violence if you disagree.


The now-closed-out impeachment of Trump is symptomatic of these fools, but by no means is it exhaustive and that's dangerous.


I'd leave aside that they've outright threatened to kill people on hidden cameras and all over the Internet (and that Twatter ignores said threats) but that would be unwise.  If there's a saving grace in any of this it's simply that most of the protagonists are "Pajama Boys" and, as I've noted before, are unlikely to have better than a 50/50 chance of correctly figuring out which is the business end of a firearm.  Unfortunately firearms are actually fairly poor ways to kill large numbers of people effectively and without immediate blow-back.


Dispossessing someone of everything is quite effective at killing someone too, either in terms of realistic outcomes or in actuality.


Let's just take one example: Vindman.  He and his brother were fired yesterday.  The facts are that all military officers serve at the pleasure of the Commander in Chief.  That's the President.  End of discussion, full-stop right there.


The facts are also that Vindman was pissed off that Trump did not "adhere" to his talking points for the Zelinsky call (he testified as such) and he tried to falsely modify the transcript after the fact but wasn't able to because it had been placed on a system where he had insufficient credentials to make changes.  That decision on the part of the White House was a smart one as it thwarted his intended actions.


The left, including the people on the "debate stage" last night, went after Trump for firing Vindman despite it being a fact that he not only had every legal right to do so he had every ethical and moral right to do so.  Insubordination is an extremely serious matter and to treat it as a civil right rather than an outrageous act of misconduct belies the fact that in the Democrats mind there are no standards at all provided they get what they want, and anyone who opposes what they want is worthy of immediate and permanent personal and professional destruction.


Folks, if you think they wont kill you if this pattern is not stopped you're wrong.  They most-definitely will.  They will either do so by dispossessing you of your property and ability to earn a living and if that's insufficient they'll do it physically.


Better wake up folks.  These people don't just disagree with you.


They want to kill you if you won't convert to their political religion – and this is no longer a tiny fringe on the outskirts of the left.  It is the mainstream position of essentially all viable candidates attempting to gain the Democrat Presidential nomination.


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