Anonymous ID: 32ac5e Feb. 8, 2020, 10:17 p.m. No.8080246   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0286 >>0320 >>0335 >>0340 >>0475 >>0529




Thing is, normies haven't the slightest clue who Clapper/Brennan/McCabe et al are. They kinda know about Comey, but only because Comey forced himself on them with that shitty book.


Remember, we as political wonks are living in a bubble here. Think of the stupidest motherfucker you know, then think of the people they might actually be aware of.


If the person getting snatched up into the back of a black Suburban is going to "shock the world," that person is going to be someone who is known to the special-with-a-capital-R set.

Anonymous ID: 32ac5e Feb. 8, 2020, 10:53 p.m. No.8080511   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0628


I've been wondering lately if if might be as big as all that–but if it's that big, then the "parallel construction" we've been working on here would have to be rock-solid. Not sure we're quite there yet.



My money is on Pedowood. Mass recognition, tentacles easier to follow up to the brain and therefore opens larger doors. And CDAN has been softening the ground, whether as part of the plan or accidentally.


Hollywood/IC relationship unearths 70 years of godless horrors that we've all unwittingly participated in, but weren't aware of. People are mad, mad enough to support the fall of whoever falls & accept the evidence that comes out of it, but not so mad that they burn shit down. Accepting that evidence opens even more doors. Eventually leading to the political stuff, at which point the bad actors in the political sphere can be dunked on (by evidence) without it being called political. The Great Awakening.