Anonymous ID: 956e08 Feb. 8, 2020, 10:34 p.m. No.8080377   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0555 >>0725 >>0905 >>0985 >>1045

Iowa Democratic Party reviewing reported inconsistencies in 95 precincts


The Iowa Democratic party on Saturday announced they are reviewing reported inconsistencies in 95 precincts from Monday's caucuses. Any corrections will be made by 12 p.m. CT Monday, the party announced.

"The IDP has initiated the process of review of the requested precincts, and any corrections will be released before Monday at 12 p.m. CST in a single update – reported prior to the allocation of national delegates," the IDP said Saturday in a statement. The IDP also noted that the 95 precincts comprise a total of 5% of the total number of precincts in Iowa.

The stated timing ensures the Iowa results will be officially announced prior to the New Hampshire Democratic primary, which will take place February 11.


Democratic candidates had until 12 p.m. CT Saturday to submit evidence of, "inconsistencies between reported results and official record of result from each precinct on caucus night," the IDP said. The party received reports from the campaigns of Bernie Sanders, Pete Buttigieg and Elizabeth Warren.

Following a chaotic delay, due in part to a new app used to report the results of the Iowa caucuses, results from 100% of precincts finally came in late Thursday, three days after the caucuses. No national delegates have been awarded yet, however, pending review of the results.

With 100% of the precincts reporting, Sanders led in the "popular vote," while Buttigieg had a slight edge in state delegate equivalents.

Anonymous ID: 956e08 Feb. 8, 2020, 10:49 p.m. No.8080487   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0496 >>0555 >>0626 >>0725 >>0726 >>0770 >>0905 >>0985 >>1045

Just a reminder…


MEDIA BLACKOUT: No White House Officials Invited on Sunday Shows After Triumphant Week for President Trump


When President Trump talks about the media being the enemy of the people, this is what he means: At the end of a stellar triumphant week for President Trump no Sunday morning news show has booked a White House official–including Fox broadcast which cancelled an appearance by White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham. Out of the five major Sunday shows, only one, CBS’s Face the Nation, has any Republican official as a guest. Grisham said on the Hannity show on the Fox News Channel Friday night that the White House offered officials to the shows but was turned down by every one.

Anonymous ID: 956e08 Feb. 8, 2020, 11:23 p.m. No.8080717   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>0725 >>0732 >>0773 >>0905 >>0985 >>1045

Rudy Giuliani predicts Trump will be 'totally vindicated' by 'smoking gun' in Hunter Biden probe: 'We've got the documents'


Three witnesses are ready to "name names" in an investigation into Hunter Biden and alleged Ukraine corruption, Rudy Giuliani claimed Saturday night.

President Trump's personal lawyer, who is a former mayor of New York City, made the disclosure during a wild interview on Fox News' "Watters' World."


Giuliani told host Jesse Watters that his goal was to make sure Trump emerges as "totally vindicated" following the Democrats' failed impeachment proceedings on Capitol Hill, which ended last week with the president acquitted on charges of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.

"I want to prove what happened," Giuliani said, "because I believe if we prove what happened, he will be totally vindicated."


Watters asked Giuliani if he had any documentation regarding Hunter Biden's business dealings in Ukraine before adding that Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., will be investigating that.

"Lindsey, get started," Giuliani said, laughing, before declaring he had "what I used to call when I was U.S. attorney, the smoking gun."

Watters' summarized the "smoking gun" as "a 'roundabout' – an international wire to avoid detection disguised as a loan."


Giuliani voiced his frustration that Biden's father – former Vice President Joe Biden, who's now running for president – wasn't investigated back when he bragged about getting Ukraine prosecutor Viktor Shokin fired.

"Look, the government has been so lax in investigating, it's pathetic," Giuliani said. "I mean … when I was a U.S. attorney … the day Joe Biden made that boastful announcement … the investigation would have begun the next day for bribery."


Giuliani ended the segment by declaring, "We've got the documents, Lindsey."