Anonymous ID: bfde8a Feb. 8, 2020, 11:32 p.m. No.8080763   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0792

can you guys see this post?

the post I did below doesn't show up for me when I opened a new tab, and the one I did it on won't referesh.

▶Anonymous (You) 02/09/20 (Sun) 00:08:00b8dfd2 (1) No.8080628






Hildabeast first bc CINC delivers on his promises and also believes in revenge.


Obungo shortly after if suicide weekend don't get them both first.


Why fuck around with the little minions when the big minions are ripe for the gallows.


I just wonder when the real controllers above them are going to be exposed and necked