Anonymous ID: f9df5a Feb. 9, 2020, 1 a.m. No.8081138   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1184

>>8080969 lb


I was looking at the wrong year for the beginning of Cicada

Assuming that it really is Emerging imminently

Turns out that this is what happened about 17 years ago:



March 12

The World Health Organization issues a global alert on severe acute respiratory syndrome when it spreads to Hong Kong and Vietnam after originating in China.

March 20

The Iraq War begins with the invasion of Iraq by the U.S. and allied forces.


And Q's musical piece might point to March

It comes to a close at 3:17 and then a final crescendo rises at 3:22


Could refer to

Genesis 3:17-22 which ends in the Skull And Crossbones favorite

Or maybe it is John 3:17-22 where new hope is the message

Anonymous ID: f9df5a Feb. 9, 2020, 1:09 a.m. No.8081184   🗄️.is 🔗kun



St. Michael the Archangel

Is also called Archistragus

Which means Commander-in-chief

And the image on the Archangel video

Is reminiscent of this Cicada video


Epiphany Seeks the Devoted

Is the catchphrase of Cicada

Epiphany is a Greek word meaning

A manifestation or appearance of a divine or superhuman being

It literally means Shining Upon


This makes me wonder if Cicada's Special Club

Is the Q army, since both are connected to 17

And then the emergence

Would be Trump rising up and shining forth

Not merely as POTUS

But as Commander-in-Chief of this Q army

Of us, the Q Anons.


We know that Q's drops have been a training school

Now is the time, to emerge from our chrysalis

To spread our wings and go public

And isn't that Q's message

In today's video?


Look at this .. See the two points?

Those are two people

When each raises a hand as they come together


And do a…




Do you see the marker that Q gave us?

Future proves the past


Anonymous ID: f9df5a Feb. 9, 2020, 1:14 a.m. No.8081210   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1244



The original is probably just innocent art


But the two logos are Clowns In America operations

Part of the Cabal

And they use the Cabal color and symbolic coded comms.

Seeing the orange phoenix jus made me realize that the two Clown logos

Are playing off the phoenix theme

Orange means ENDING

They are all about ending things, fomenting revolution

But when their destructive phase is over

They expect the NWO to rise from the ashes.

Anonymous ID: f9df5a Feb. 9, 2020, 1:18 a.m. No.8081234   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Gina's in charge now

And she has the rest of the Clown blackhats



Find the photo of her congratulating Trump at the SOTU

Look at the message in her dress.


5-petalled WHITE flowers surrounding all the 4-petalled BLACK poppies. The opium poppies are being overwhelmed through force of numbers.


If this makes no sense to you, then join Twitter and read everything that user @CodesUcq has ever posted. Check out some of the discussions where he replies to other people, because the other folks are sharing knowledge on the coded language of colors, symbols, images that the Clowns use.

Anonymous ID: f9df5a Feb. 9, 2020, 1:30 a.m. No.8081279   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Yeah, what ever happened to the Li people?

They seem to be the main drivers behind Chinese expansion,

Forming much of the overseas Chinese communities in Asia

And the Li were emperors of Japan and Korea and China.

So why are they hiding themselves as Han?


China is incredibly diverse, both ethnically and linguistically

Not to mention genetically.

You cannot recognize a random stranger as Chinese.

All the other groups of SouthEast Asia are recognizable with a bit of training

But Chinese are so diverse.

Many of them appear to be Caucasians with epicanthic folds on the eyes.

And maybe that is actually what they are

Since the epicanthic fold is a dominant genetic trait

That you can even find on North Europeans like Germans and Swedes

To see what it really looks like you need to check out Koreans and North Eastern Siberian peoples.

Anonymous ID: f9df5a Feb. 9, 2020, 1:42 a.m. No.8081317   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1354



This is old news and a bunch of random items

All mashed together like soggy potatoes

Without any reasoning at all.


China has 1.386 billion people

50k is such a teeny tiny speck of water vapor

Far, far less than even a drop in the bucket


Let's consider a number that is a bit easier to wrap you head around

13,860,000 is about 13.8 million

And that is 1% of the population of China

They could lose that many, and it would only reduce traffic jams.

Wuhan is 11.08 million so 1% is 2.7 million more than that city.

Shanghai is 24.4 million

Chongqing is 30 million


50k dead is nothing. Stop trying to scare people with

Lies, Damn Lies and Statistics


Anonymous ID: f9df5a Feb. 9, 2020, 1:45 a.m. No.8081327   🗄️.is 🔗kun



This is a good thing because cleaning up the city

Burning garbage, medical waste and the people who die


Because it slows the spread of disease

It makes people healthier overall

And that also slows the spread of disease

This cesspool city with open sewers

And other problems

Has needed a cleanup for a long time.

Anonymous ID: f9df5a Feb. 9, 2020, 1:54 a.m. No.8081349   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1363 >>1685



Didn't say they own them

I said the USE them to communicate

So does Trump


The Intelligence business uses coded comms that were developed to keep secrets in plain site

And to function like a masonic handshake

So that people who were in on the secrets

Could recognize fellow crooks.


In order to attain the promise of JFK

We need to unveil these secret societies

That means tell everyone about the crooks

And set up proper oversight for the parts of government

That still need to keep secrets.


The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings.

Anonymous ID: f9df5a Feb. 9, 2020, 2:12 a.m. No.8081416   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1460 >>1463



It is not engineered

It is a normal virus


If you have ever heard of a very common blood pressure medication

Called an ACE inhibitor

You might want to look at this diagram of interactions

Before you read all about the 2019-nCoV and HIV medication treatments

At least you will have a clearer idea what angiotensin is.


We know so much about the mechanisms in these organisms

And we have ways, other than vaccines

To stop them dead

It's still a lot of work to methodically test things

But we live in a time when viral disease outbreaks will NEVER EVER again become global epidemics.


It's all good

Anonymous ID: f9df5a Feb. 9, 2020, 2:27 a.m. No.8081490   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1513




What a year

That's the year that Gringott's Wizarding Bank was founded.

Run by gnomes, is this bank meant to represent a real banking bloodline?

The Gnomes of Zurich?


The Treaty of Utrecht is signed granting the German merchant clans access to England

Who was in Utrecht?

How does the Bourbon bloodline of Louis XVII tie in to this?

What about the Vanderbilt bloodline?

Remember that Payseur (Pesour) was just the banking/gold merchant family that helped the Bourbons.


Venice enacts a Patent Statute.

Hmmm, patents mean control of technology.

Suppressing technological invention leads to monopoly control

Monopoly control leads to profits flowing into the family coffers

Il fondo

Have you heard of the oligarchs of Venice?

Of the Galata Bankers?

Of the Baltazzi family who helped Rothschild into the Ottoman Empire?

The family who spawned the Austrian Vetsera, gave birth to Hitler and Walt Disney?


The Burgundian wars began in 1474

A conflict between the Dukes of Burgundy and the Old Swiss Confederacy

Did someone decide that Switzerland was a safer place for their stash of gold?

And take it up the Rhine river, which connects to the Limmat river

Leading to Zurich

Could the Gold Fund have decided who would win the war?


Isabella I became Queen of Castile in this year

She and her husband Ferdinand had a coat of arms with the motto PLUS ULTRA

There are many ways to translate this, but I like BEYOND

They sent Columbus BEYOND the edge of the world to establish a New World.


The Duke of Burgundy had a dispute in Utrecht that started a civil war which ended in 1474

Burgundy had other territories like Bruges, where he founded the Order of the Golden Fleece

He who controls the sheep as his slaves, gets the gold?

Spain, Austria, oh dear!

Plus Ultra


A secret and better world beyond ours

This is what Spain and Portugal created in the New World

For a while

France's version was Arcadia

But then the English stumbled into New France.


Marsilio Ficino completes his book Theologia Platonica

He was a Neo-platonist.

This was the philosphical thread that spawned Darwinism

Social Darwinism




And finally, the Neo-platonist World Order (NWO)

Anonymous ID: f9df5a Feb. 9, 2020, 2:33 a.m. No.8081513   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1525


No easy answers but for those willing to study, the origins of Nihilism are described here.


Neoplatonism is a modern term used to designate the period of Platonic philosophy that begins with Plotinus' work and ends with the closing of the Platonic Academy by Emperor Justinian in A.D. 529. The name Platonism, often described as "mystical" or religious in nature, was developed outside the mainstream of academic Platonism. The origins of Neoplatonism date back to the Hellenistic syncretism era that engendered such movements and schools of thought as Gnosticism and hermetic tradition.


Marx mediated between two metaphysical

traditions: a radical form of Neoplatonism and mechanistic materialism, and

partially transcended both of these and developed idea which can only be interpreted

in terms of a Heraclitian or process view of the world; but Marx never fully

transcended either Neoplatonism or mechanistic materialism, and the consequent

inconsistencies in his thought have been manifest in the way Marxism was

developed and incorporated into Soviet society


As the neoplatonic Christian vision of the world was assumed by the aristocracy,

salvation came to be seen as the goal of life, and aristocrats came to see their lives

and the world around them as means to attaining this salvation.




While the conception of nature as mechanical did much to justify the increasing

efforts to control it in the interests of the developing economy and to discredit the

Hermetics, another important feature from the point of view of the emerging

capitalist socio-economic formation was to provide an analogy for understanding

humanity. This amounted to a dismissal of the higher, spiritual side of the Christian

neoplatonic dualism and the affirmation of its degraded side as the sole reality, both

in theory and in practice.

Anonymous ID: f9df5a Feb. 9, 2020, 2:36 a.m. No.8081525   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1547


You have a point there. The Cabal is clearly from a neoplatonic line of thought which culminated, in modern times, in Scientific Darwinism (British) and Nihilism (German) which led to Fascism, Communism and Political Correctness.


Plotinus, a NeoPlatonist, talked about nomos empsuchos and the King as Law. Not subject to the law, but being the law.


This is essentially Monarchy, which is another form of Nihilism/Communism/Fascism. It is fact that the Nazis had a subgroup that were monarchists. If you watch the TV series Babylon, Berlin about Weimar Republic times, it was a group of military nobles that created the NSDAP in the first place.


So maybe you are right about Nomos World Order.


Interestingly, Nomos is against Natural Law, which makes me think we should have been more suspicious about the postings called Ask A Rothschild where we hear that they spend a lot of time discussing Natural Law. Unless of course, the discussions are about constructing a Nomos that does not run foul of immutable natural laws, like the law of Karma.

Anonymous ID: f9df5a Feb. 9, 2020, 2:43 a.m. No.8081547   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Neo-Platonic World Order




IN THE 1533 edition of Agrippa von Nettesheim's De occulta philosophia is an extended version of a treatise originally written in 1510 under the same title.

To the earlier framework the author added new ideas

and new material mostly derived from the same

sources that he had used in 1510


the 8-page article is attached as a PDF


neo-Platonic world order is mentioned in the bit clipped out as an image for you to read more easily. In other words, this is not just my own cute idea. Neo-platonism is the root of the stream of natural philosophy that brought us Social Darwinism (survival of the fittest), Communism, Nihilism and the NWO

Anonymous ID: f9df5a Feb. 9, 2020, 2:50 a.m. No.8081562   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1572 >>1580



You are looking at the wrong stuff

The dead people are dead

The criminals will be dealt with by the DOJ


With your skills you need to be looking at suppressed technology

LENR, catalysts, rare-earth elements, Thorium, Tellurium

And suppressed biology and chemistry.

Remember Trump's Covfefe tweet?

Well CoVFeFe magnetic material is only half of it

You will NOT BELIEVE what they hav been hiding from us

But when the Lunar Mining Colonies get built faster than anyone expected

You may begin to suspect…


Emergy is important too

Concrete for tornado and hurricane proof housing is vastly less expensive than wood,

Over the lifetime of the house.

Get it?

Lifetime of the house in a storm zone?