Anonymous ID: aff9b2 Feb. 9, 2020, 8:14 a.m. No.8082875   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Some coinkidinks…


>The Snow Moon is the most common nickname for February’s full moon, but others include the Hunger Moon, the Bone Moon and the Storm Moon.


>"Prepare for it": Mega storm to hit Germany this weekend


And a POLITICAL STORM hits Germany.


Habbenings in Germany:

  • state government election of Thuringia lead to socialist leftists parties to lose, win for coservative parties

  • after the election the three socialist parties just continued and were backed up by two officially conservative, but actually deep state and hence leftist-pushing, parties.

  • it was expected to again have the hard core leftist / socialist guy elected primi minister of the state by the parties voting, which happens few weeks after the election by the public.

  • in Germany it´s voted 3 times, first two you need to have absolute majority (50% + 1 vote) and in the third the normal majority (most votes) wins. first two votes were lost by socialist candidate, this was expected as he lost the election of the people leading to his party and the planned partner parties having less than majority. it was expected that he would still get the most votes, as the two conversative (but deep state) parties would let it happen.

  • surprisingly, shockingly something else happened: partiot AfD had an own candidate in 3rd vote, but they all actually voted for another candidate of old guard FDP, who only announced to run before the 3rd vote.

  • FDP candidate won, leading so PANIC of the leftist parties, including the conservative (but actually leftist parties). the AfD together with partiotic (or controlled by Q…) politicians of old guard deep state parties of the state did a coup together. this was planned before and they all even admitted to it.

  • first it looked like this would be the way Q planned it, most likely leading to immediate shredding of documents. kek.

  • but actually Q seems to have played another angle and the acual move was what is happening now after this:

– deep state politicians across germany freaking the fuck out

– saying a government which is supported by AfD (even if in a secret and free election!) is ilegitimate and needs to step down.

– antifa now openly threatening and visibly attacking conservative (old guard) parties. (antifa was attacking AfD all the time, but not the other old guard politicians who have actually leftist politics

– Merkel said that this election is "inexcusable" and need to be undone immeadately - Merkel and a couple of other went full communist mode.

– Merkel even kicked somebody out of her administration only bc he had send a tweet saying congrats to the FDP candidate and appreciating that the leftist government is out of office (something conservatives should appreciate obviously)

– MSM, old guard are saying that this is the end of democracy if not stopped immeadiately, they make it very clear that in their opinion elections are only fine if the outcome is what they like to see. CHINA-STYLE.

– now there even is discussion to ban the AfD, who got the vote of every 6th German and to close down a conservative group within Merkels CDU.

– FDP candiate announced to step down. bc of MUCH pressure by old guard politicians from the federal parties.


it´s fukken ridiculpous and wakes up a lot of people with rapid speed.

Germany is now officially not a democracy anymore, the deep state went DARK TO LIGHT.

what an amazing plan that is.